

作者: 每日英文晨读 | 来源:发表于2023-12-07 07:53 被阅读0次

In this fast-paced society, we are always caught up in our own affairs, often neglecting those who constantly reach out to us, initiating contact. However, it is only when we realize their presence that we truly understand their value.


There are people who never tire of sending me messages, asking about my well-being, and sharing their joys and sorrows. I used to find them somewhat annoying, thinking they were meddling in my business. But on one quiet night, I suddenly grasped the significance of their actions.


That night, I felt an inexplicable sense of loneliness and helplessness, unable to find solace and restless in the darkness. Just as I was immersed in my solitude, my phone lit up. It was that person who always initiated contact with me, asking if I needed someone to talk to, if I needed their companionship. A surge of warmth washed over me, and tears welled up in my eyes.


In that moment, I understood the preciousness of those who initiate contact with me. They may not know how I am feeling at that exact moment, but they are willing to listen to my thoughts and be there for me. Their care and concern provided me with comfort and warmth.Since then, I have learned to cherish those who initiate contact with me. I realized that they are not being nosy; they genuinely care about me. Their greetings and encouragement have given me strength and courage. Their companionship has made me feel the warmth and affection in this world.


In the midst of our busy lives, we often overlook the details of life. We forget about those who silently care for us and initiate contact with us. However, when we face difficulties or need someone to confide in, they become our most reliable support.


Do not disregard those who initiate contact with you. Cherish them and appreciate them. They are the ones who truly care about you in your life, the ones who silently support you. Whenever and wherever you need them, they will always be by your side.



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