20190212 compound

20190212 compound

作者: angelqi_b03a | 来源:发表于2019-02-12 17:19 被阅读6次



    作名词、形容词发音/'kɒmpaʊnd/    作动词发音/kəm'paʊnd/

    n. 1. a compound is an enclosed area of land or buildings that is used for a particular purpose. (作特殊用途的)大院,有围墙的场地;土地建筑区  

    例如:embassy/military/palace/prison/secure/walled compound  大使馆/军营/宫殿/监狱大院/安全区/有围墙的建筑或场地

    2. in chemistry, a compound is a substance that consists of two or more elements. (化学中的)化合物

    3. if something is a compound of different things, it consists of those things. 混合物,复合物,结合体  usu sing /  Formal  此含义可以与mixture做一个详细的区分。mixture是两个物体的混合物,混合后各自保留独自的性质,如蔬菜沙拉中混合了多种蔬菜;但compound的概念是两个物体混合以后更趋向于形成一个新事物,如蜂蜜与水混合形成蜂蜜水,蜂蜜不再是原来的形态。

    adj. 1. compound is used to indicate that something consists of two or more parts or things. 复合的,组合的,混合的  ADJ n

    2. in grammar, a compound noun, adjective, or verb is one that made up of two or more words, for example 'fire engine(消防车)', 'bottle-green(深绿色的)', and 'force-feed(强行投喂,填鸭式)'. 复合的(单词) ADJ n 

    3. in grammar, a compound sentence is one that is made up of two or more main clauses. 复合的(句子) ADJ n

    v. to compound a problem, difficulty, or mistake means to make it worse by adding to it. 使恶化,使复杂,加剧,加重  V n  /  Formal

    to make a difficult situation worse by adding more problems.



    compound做动词时表示“使……加剧,使……恶化,雪上加霜”,当我们想表达make something worse的时候,就可以使用更简洁、更高级的compound。同义词有worsen, exacerbate, aggravate等。


    1. He tried to use a white lie to soothe her anger, only to find that he compounded the problem.

    white lie 善意的谎言  

    soothe /suːð/ vt. 抚慰,安抚;使平静;减轻,缓和(身体的痛处或不适)

    2. In romantic relationships, arguing usually compounds problems.

    3. Harsh punishment would only compound the situaiton.

    4. Today's trade tensions are compounding a shift that has been under way since the financial crisis of 2008-09. 目前贸易紧张局势正在加剧自2008-2009年金融危机以来就不断形成的转变。


    1. 翻译:军事行动只会让叙利亚的情况变得更糟。

    Military actions would only compound the situation in Syria.

    2. 生活场景应用


    My younger brother is undisciplined and carefree. He always fails to make plans to reach his small goals, which compounds his bad self-discipline.



          本文标题:20190212 compound
