The One Who Has Influenced  Me M

The One Who Has Influenced  Me M

作者: 当当小猫猫 | 来源:发表于2022-06-11 21:33 被阅读0次

    In our lives we meet many people and they all influence us in one way or another. However, the person who has influenced me most is my father .我们生活中遇到过很多人,而他们都以某种方式影响着我们。然而,对我影响最大的人是我的爸爸。

    My father graduated from Beijing University. He was my role model.

    爸爸毕业于北京大学。他是我的榜样 。


    My father's English is very good and he can speak fluent English.  So, my English is also very good.  I can communicate, play and play with foreign children freely. 爸爸的英语很棒,可以说一口流利的英文。所以,我的英文也很不错。我可以和外国小朋友自如地交流,玩耍,做游戏。

    My father likes playing football and often instructs me on the pitch. Therefore, my football progress is very fast and I play very well.  爸爸喜欢踢足球,经常在球场上指导我,所以,我的足球进步很快,踢得也很棒。

    Dad likes animals and plants, often take me to observe the growth of animals and plants. 爸爸喜欢动植物,经常带我观察动植物的生长情况。

    Dad likes photography, all kinds of photos are very beautiful.  Besides, dad is a good cook. 爸爸喜欢摄影,拍的各种照片都非常漂亮。而且,爸爸做饭特别好吃。

    He also stressed the importance of education and encouraged me to be a good student. 他也特别强調教育的重要性,鼓励我做一个好学生。

    For this reason I am now one of the best students in my school.正因为这样,现在我是全校最好的学生之一。

    I hope I can reward my father by doing well in examination.

    I love you my father。


    New Words and  Phrases
    1.stress [stres] vt.强调
    2.In one way or another 以某种方式或其他方式
    reward [rr'ward] vt.报答;回报




        本文标题:The One Who Has Influenced  Me M
