L21/22Coffee Bath

L21/22Coffee Bath

作者: Simin的快乐法杖 | 来源:发表于2020-12-25 07:57 被阅读0次


    1. 泡澡  bath 

    v.   I bathe at least twice a day in summer.

    n.   have / take a bath ;  take a shower

    2. 三思,再三考虑  think twice   ///   Think twice before you go bungee jumping.

    3. 受……欢迎  be popular with   ///   在……受环氧  be popular among

    4. 换言之/也就是说,  that is,…  =  that is to say,…  = in other words

    5. 研磨咖啡  ground coffee

    6. 开水 boiled water   正在沸腾的水  boiling water

    7.  cure + 治病  : cure cancer  /  cure disease

    cure sb. of + 疾病 :The doctors cured her of cancer.

    8.   feel like 想要  ///  feel  觉得

    9.  tipsy 微醺的

    【语法 | 句子 | 仿写】

    》》“for + 钱 ”与 “with + 钱” 的区别

    I bought this book for fifty dollars.  这本书是我用50美元买的。√

    I  bought this book with  fifty dollars.我和50美元一起买书。×

    》》 某人往某地的途中:on one's way + “地方副词”  或  “to 地方名词”


    They are on their way home form school.

    【Simin 的转述】

    Do you know the coffee bath in Japan? Sounds weird ? So do I. As you can imagine, it means that they will boil you in coffee. So, when you are asked "would like some coffee" in Japan, think twice before you answer.

    Many Japanese enjoying having a ground coffee bath not for fun but because they believe it can cure diseases. Is that true ? I am not sure. But if I have a chance to do it, I will give it a try , no doubt . It must be interesting, don't you think ?


    9. v. breathe  n. breath

    3.  预约/订座位,房间等  make a reservation / booking for

    8.  涂抹 put on

    9.  账单 check

    10. 责备某人  tell sb. off

    9.  被发现是/结果是……  prove to be

    10. 救命者  lifesaver   生还者  survivor

    16. 开某人玩笑,捉弄某人  play a joke onsb.

    17. 把某人吓得要死   scare 人 to death

    1. 到哪里度假尚未决定  Where to go on vacation is not decide yet

    3. 问题是要相信谁才好 The question is whom to believe



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