

作者: 大咖看学习 | 来源:发表于2024-08-23 12:48 被阅读0次


    Before the universe differentiated, the heavens and earth were a boundless, chaotic mass that no one could see. It was only after Pangu split the chaos with his giant axe that things began to change. The clear air rose to form the sky, and the murky air sank to form the earth. As the heavens and earth were opened up, all living things began to grow. Every living being looked up to the benevolent sky, and all of creation turned toward goodness.


    In this chaotic world, the passage of time follows its unique rhythm. According to ancient records, each cycle spans 129,600 years, with each grand cycle divided into twelve smaller cycles, represented by the twelve earthly branches: Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, You, Xu, and Hai. Within these smaller cycles, each consists of 5,400 years. When the Xu cycle ends, darkness will engulf heaven and earth, and all beings will disappear. When the Hai cycle arrives, the world will return to chaos, once again falling into darkness. Yet, as time passes, the world gradually clears, and order slowly emerges in heaven and earth.


    When the first Zi cycle arrives, the sky gains its foundation, with the clear air rising to form the sun, moon, stars, and other celestial bodies. As time progresses, the Zi cycle ends, and the Chou cycle follows, during which the earth begins to solidify, with the heavy air descending to create water, fire, mountains, stones, and soil. When the Yin cycle begins, the breath of heaven and earth intertwines, life starts to grow, and humanity is born during this time.


    In this vast world, the land is divided into four major continents: Dongsheng Shenzhou, Xiniu Hezhou, Nanshanbuzhou, and Beijuluzhou. In Dongsheng Shenzhou, there is a place called Aolai Kingdom, near the sea, where a great mountain named Huaguo Mountain stands. Huaguo Mountain is the ancestral vein of the Ten Continents and the origin of the Three Islands. Since the dawn of heaven and earth, this mountain has stood on this land. Huaguo Mountain boasts a beautiful environment, with majestic peaks, steep ridges, evergreen plants, and abundant wildlife, making it a place full of spiritual energy.


    At the top of Huaguo Mountain, there is a massive celestial stone, standing 36 feet and 5 inches tall, with a circumference of 24 feet. This celestial stone absorbed the essence of heaven and earth day and night, accumulating countless years of the sun and moon's essence, eventually giving birth to a stone monkey. When this stone monkey was born, two beams of golden light shot out from its eyes, reaching the heavens and alarming the Jade Emperor. The Jade Emperor sent Clairvoyance and Clairaudience to investigate, discovering that the golden light originated from a stone monkey on Huaguo Mountain.


    The stone monkey lived freely on the mountain, learning to walk, climb, and play with the other monkeys. They would pick flowers and fruits, drink from mountain springs, and spend their days carefree, accompanied by wild animals. One day, the stone monkey and a group of monkeys were playing by a mountain stream when they spotted a waterfall. They decided to challenge each other to see who could pass through the waterfall and find the water source. The stone monkey bravely jumped into the waterfall and discovered a naturally formed paradise within, filled with stone tools, stone beds, stone benches, and a stone tablet inscribed with the words “Blessed Land of Huaguo Mountain, Cave Heaven of the Water Curtain.” The stone monkey was overjoyed and returned to the monkey group to share this discovery. The monkeys then elected the stone monkey as their king, and from then on, he was known as the Monkey King.


    The Monkey King led his group of monkeys, living happily on Huaguo Mountain and in the Water Curtain Cave. In spring, they picked flowers for food; in summer, they foraged for fruits; in autumn, they gathered chestnuts; and in winter, they dug up yellow essence to survive the cold. They lived a carefree life, but the Monkey King began to ponder the impermanence of life. He worried that he would eventually grow old and be unable to escape the fate of death, so he decided to seek the method of immortality.


    The Monkey King decided to leave Huaguo Mountain and seek immortality by learning from the immortals. He crossed the sea to the Nanshanbuzhou Continent, traveled through various states and territories, searching for the way of the immortals. Years passed, and the Monkey King still had not found any immortals, until one day he arrived at a high mountain in the Xiniu Hezhou Continent.


    At that moment, the stone monkey was intently listening to the woodcutter's song, filled with joy in his heart. He thought, "So the immortal is hiding in these deep mountains!" He then lightly jumped into the forest and carefully observed. He saw a woodcutter holding an axe in one hand and a bundle of firewood in the other, with a calm smile on his face. The stone monkey immediately approached and respectfully asked, "Old sir, your song seems to have a Taoist flavor. May I ask if you know where I can find an immortal who can teach me the art of immortality?"


    The woodcutter, seeing a monkey capable of speech, was not surprised. Instead, he smiled and replied, "In these deep mountains and secluded valleys, there are often immortals in seclusion, practicing their arts. However, if you want to find them, you must wait for your destiny." After saying this, he added, "However, I’ve heard there’s a mountain not far from here called Lingtai Fangcun Mountain. There resides an immortal master of boundless power. Perhaps he can guide you."


    Hearing this, the stone monkey's spirit lifted, and he hurriedly asked, "Could you tell me how to get to Lingtai Fangcun Mountain?"


    The woodcutter, seeing his sincerity, pointed ahead and said, "Follow this path straight ahead. Cross three large mountains and pass five rivers, and you will see the peak. In the mountain, there is a Guanyin Temple. Beside the temple is a small path leading to the summit; that is the entrance to Lingtai Fangcun Mountain."


    The stone monkey was overjoyed and immediately knelt to express his gratitude. Then, following the woodcutter’s directions, he swiftly set off toward Lingtai Fangcun Mountain. He climbed over mountains, waded through rivers, and after enduring countless hardships, finally arrived at the foot of Lingtai Fangcun Mountain one morning.


    The mountain was indeed as the rumors described, with clear waters and lush mountains, exuding spiritual energy. The stone monkey looked up and saw the summit shrouded in clouds, like a celestial realm. He secretly rejoiced, feeling that he was truly destined for greatness and had finally found the place to seek the immortal way.


    Following the woodcutter’s directions, he found the Guanyin Temple and then followed the small path beside it upward. After walking for some time, the stone monkey finally arrived at a hidden paradise. The peaks were steep, ancient trees reached to the sky, birds chirped, and flowers scented the air, making it seem like a human world’s fairyland. He looked around and saw an ancient Taoist temple not far away, with a plaque above the entrance inscribed with six large characters: "Fangcun Mountain, Sanxing Cave."


    The stone monkey was overjoyed, knowing he had finally found the legendary immortal master. He straightened his clothes and knocked on the temple door. Before long, a boy servant opened the door and, seeing a monkey, couldn't help but laugh and asked, "What business does a monkey have here?"


    The stone monkey respectfully bowed and said, "I have come from afar to seek an audience with the immortal master, hoping to become his disciple and learn the art of immortality. Please, young sir, kindly inform him of my request."


    Seeing his sincere attitude, the boy servant said, "Wait here; I will go inform him."


    The boy servant went inside, and before long, he returned and said to the stone monkey, "My master is willing to see you. Please, follow me."


    The stone monkey followed the boy servant into the temple and arrived at a great hall. Inside, incense smoke curled in the air, and a white-bearded, white-browed elder sat on a high platform. This was the master of Fangcun Mountain. The elder’s eyes were sharp as he looked at the stone monkey and nodded slightly, asking, "What do you seek, monkey?"


    The stone monkey hurriedly knelt and sincerely said, "I am the Monkey King of Huaguo Mountain in Dongsheng Shenzhou. Unwilling to succumb to the cycle of birth, aging, illness, and death, I have come to seek the immortal way. I humbly ask the immortal master to take pity on me, accept me as a disciple, and teach me the art of immortality."


    The elder pondered for a moment before finally nodding, "Since you have such a wish, it is your destiny. I can accept you as a disciple, but the path of cultivating immortality is full of hardships and obstacles. Are you willing to endure suffering and persist in your practice?"


    Upon hearing this, the stone monkey immediately kowtowed and said, "I am willing! No matter how difficult or challenging the path, I will not retreat."


    The old man, seeing his sincerity, smiled and said, "Alright, then I will take you as my disciple. From today on, you shall be called Sun Wukong."



