To be successful in life you need to be happy with you as a n individual. Having the following attributes will take you to that point.
First of all, you need to value yourself. Charles Chaplin said: "You have to be- lieve yourself. That's the secret of success. ', If you don't see yourself as valuable, nothing else matters. That is how important your self-worth is; it is your basis for exist- ing. How you value your own abilities will determine if you are willing to use those abili- ties. When you know you have value and abilities that are valuable, you will develop a can-do attitude. You will feel capable and worthy of being loved. You won't be afraid of making mistakes, because you understand that mistakes happen and anything worth do- ing is worth the risk. In the early years your parents are the sole support, builder, and guard for your self-esteem. As you get older, you must begin to rely on peers and other adults to perform some of these jobs of your parents.
A willingness to learn also plays an important role in your road to success. Without it, life will be an everyday struggle. People who are unwilling to learn do not have the same social skills as their peers and generally become outcasts. People who are willing to learn wiLl never be stopped by any obstacle that comes their way. They will tackle obsta- cles as problems t at can be solved by sonk'mean" rather than roadblocks that make them turn back.
If you want to be successful, a loving foundation is thethird attributes. You need to love and be loved. It is a basic human need. With a loving foundation in your life, you will look at the outside world with hope. You will carry joy in your heart and will want to contribute to society. Those who are successful in their ability to love surround them- selves with people who love them as well.