
作者: 童瑶天天笑 | 来源:发表于2022-07-16 19:57 被阅读0次




And  you know what?I didn't either.I didn't get into real college.

l know what it's like to be rejected.It suck.Rejection blows.Being said no to. 

You know what?Screw that!

Shouldn't we all hane the chance to be said yes to?At South Harmon,we sat yes to you!We say yes to your hopes,we say yes to your dream,we say yes to your flaw!

So welcome!



Nah,I'm not gonna answer your question,cause you guys have already made up your minds.I'm the expert in rejection,and I can see it on your faces,your judge us by the way we look,and not by who we are.

  And it's too bad that you judge us by the way we look and not by who we are.just because you want us ti be more like them when the truth is we're not like them.

  And I am damn proud of that fact.I mean Harmon College and their100years of tradition.But traditon of what?Of hazing kids.

and humiliating antone who's little bit differert?

Of putting so much pressure on kids thwy turn into these stress freaks and  caffeine addicts.

教育中的问题:Why can't we both exist?


      You can have your grades,and your rules and your structurre,and your ivory towers,and then we'll do things our ways.

Why dowe have to conform to what you want?

      You know what?You're a criminal,cause you rob these kids of their creativity and their passion.That's the real crime!

    Well,what about you parents?Did the system really work out for you?Did it teach you to follow your heart,or to just play it safe,roll over?

I lied to all of you,and I'm sorry,Dad,especically to you.But out of that desperation,something happend that was so amazing.

Life was full of possibilities.A-A-And osn't that what you ultimately want for us?

As parents,I mean,is...is that,is possibilities.


Hower,the true purpose of education is to stimulate the creativity and the passion of the student body.

And in that regard you have certainly succeede.

This board does not reject innovation,but it must be watched carefully.







