ESL 1236 Dressing inappropriatel

ESL 1236 Dressing inappropriatel

作者: 幻紫凌兰 | 来源:发表于2017-03-06 23:49 被阅读35次


Thierry: I know it’s casual Friday, but some people just don’t know how to dress appropriatelyfor work.

Casual: if something is casual, itis not formal, it is more relaxed, we could also sayinformal.Now in mostoffices, in most businesses, everyone has to wear good clothing every day ofthe week, how every some of offices have what its call casual Friday meaningthat you don’t have to wear for example a tie or a suitcoat, you can dress morecasually. You don’t have to dress as we will say professionally or formally as youdo every other day of the week. Not all offices do that, but some offices do havethis casual Friday policy.

Thierryis complaining however that even though it is causal Friday, there aresomethings that you shouldn’t wear to work.

Hesays some people don’t know how to dress appropriately.To dress as a verb means to put cloth on yourbody. The word dress is also a noun that refers to what a woman would wear, adress is usually one piece of clothing that covers both the top and part of thebottom of the woman’s body. But as a word to dress means simply to put clothingon. And to dress appropriately means to dress the way you should dress forcertain situation. If you are going to a wedding, dressing appropriatelyusually means wearing formal clothing not your bikini or your beddingsuit.Although here Los Angeles maybeok, I am not sure.

Olga: I was thinking the samething, look at Sandy, what she is wearing is far too reviewing revealing.

Olgasays “I was thinking the same thing”, meaning I agree with you that some peopledon’t know how to dress appropriately for work.

To describe clothes as a revealing, means to saythat they show too much of your skin but adjective is specially use forclothing the woman might wear that showing too much her bare skin. Although itcould be applied to man’s clothing as well.

Thierry:I was actually thinking about Jimmy, he is wearing cut off sand free flip-flops?Where is his professionalism?

Cutoffs:a shorts that are may bycutting off by ladies pants especially jeans.The key to cutoff is that when you cut off the bottom of the pants leg, you don’t sold out the bottom of the or shortswhat are not shorts to make them to look nice. So cutoffs are very informal,they don’t look very dress we might say.They don’t look very formal.Of course,they are shorts, and so by definition,usually shorts are not formal wear.

Flip-flops: are basically a very simplekind of sandals which is something that you wear on your feet, it is a type ofshoe that you wear on your feet that doesn’t have tie on it.That what a sandal is.Flip-flops are a type of sandal that youwould wear to say beach(bitch?).

That’swhy Thierry are asking about Jimmy’s professionalism. That is his ability to behavior appropriately in a business or professionalsituation.

Olga: Don’t they know how they’redressed can affect theircareers?Some people can’t see past for poor fashionchoices.

Olga continues complaining, she says don’t they know howthey’redressed can affect their careers.She is saying(?)thatthe people who dressing this way don’t realize that the way you dressed can affect how well(?)you do at work and what kind of the job you get.

Olgasays some peoplecan’t see past poor fashionchoices. The expression to not beable to see past something means that someone is unable not to notice somethingeven though you are perhaps try not to notice. For example, if someone comes toyou and ask for a job and that person doesn’t look like he dressed very well tomeet you or perhaps he didn’t comb his hair or she is face you even though youthink he is might be a good person, might not be able to see past the way theperson looks. Another word you can’t ignore it, even though you want to, eventhough you may think it is not important the way the person dresses.Until(?)how he may be able to do a certainjob.

Olgais saying that some people won’t be able to look past the way of this peopledressed when determining whether they are going to give them jobs.

Fashionrefers to the way that clothing is designed, the way of looks.

Thierry: Yeah, so many people areclosed-minded.And think what people wearreflexreflectstheir ability.

Thierryis also complaining about the closed-minded people. To be closed-minded meansthat you only see your own opinion, or only consider your own ideas, and notable to consider other people’s ideas.The opposite of closed-minded might be opened-minded. Thierry isdescribing closed-minded people as those who think that what people wearreflects their ability.

To reflect here means to be related to or to be indicated of something. If I say the way youdressed reflects your ability, I am saying that the way that you look is anindication of how well you will do a certain job. Now of course, we may knowthat that’s not turn unless the job is to be model I guess. But neverthelesspeople often think that.

Olga: I’ve known a lot of peoplelike that. Me? I always err on the side of caution.

Err on the side of caution:Means to be very careful, to not taking any risks. I should mention that word“err” is not often pronounced, someone mistakenly but no more commonly as air,as the word we spell “air”, in fact it is so common that it is probablyconsider by most people acceptable pronunciation in American English. InBritish English, however, it is always pronounced err.What is err mean? It means to make anerr.It means to make a mistake. You cansee why people pronounce the word err instead of err, because we also have theword err,

Whichis pronounce with that err some instead of err some, but anyway, back to ourstory.

Thierry: Is that why you neverdress down?

He is asking Olga the reason why she never dresses casually, to dress down is a twowords’ phrase of word meaning to dress casually.

Olga: That’s right. And I’ve noticed you don’t either.

Olga and Thierry are saying to each other that because other people areclosed-minded and might think that the way one dresses reflects one’s ability.They themselves never dress casually at work even on casual Friday.

Thierry: No, just because we suspend the dress code coat one day a week, doesn’t mean we haveto dress inappropriately.

Adress code refer s to a ruler about how you are supposed to dress.

To suspend means to stopping doing something for a short period time, to temporarystop doing something.

Olga: True. Though both Sandy and jimmy look really comfortable.

Thierry: yeah, they do. It must be nice to walk around the office without dress shoes. Maybe, just once I’ll come to work in shorts next week.

Dress shoes are formal shoes. It is in fact more comfortable to dress casually perhaps they should do the samething as everyone else.

Olga: what?! After everything you’ve said.

Shesurprised Thierry is thinking wearing shorts after criticizing others peoplefor wearing shorts.

Thierry: I was thinking atastefulshorts, nothing tacky.

If something is tasteful, it shows good judgement, it looks we might say classic or refined. Something is tasteful refers todignify, a Probably especially for aformal setting.

Theopposite of tasteful is tacky.Tacky issomething that shows poor judgement Something that is of we might say a low class.

Olga: just remember that it is aslippery slope,my friend. I hope to never see you here in atank top!

Slipperyslope: is a term used to describe a decision or an action that could in thefuture lead to problems, especially if we are talking about changing the rulesor doing some sort of action that may think small now but would later causefurther problems. An example, if I say to my teenage daughter, if I had ateenage daughter, you must be home by 10’o clock tonight.And you cannot come home later than 10’oclock. My daughter might say well dad, I wanna come home at 10:15, and you say:OK, 10:15. You may start going down a slippery slope. My daughter all some? Mightcome back to me and say next week.Well,you say that I can come back at 10:15, why not 10:30. It is only 15 minuteslater. You see here now that the problem that now you have allowed her to comeback 15 minutes later once, she is going to start pushing you so that it to beeven later and later. That’s what we would call it slippery slope, one smallaction, one small changing in the beginning can lead to problems in the future.

Olga isworried that if Thierry wear shorts next week, it would be a slippery slope,that is in the future he will wear even more casual clothing. She then endswith a joke, she says I hope to never see you here in a tank top.

A tanktop is a shirt that doesn’t have any ?? on it and usually the shirt has a verynarrow piece of or stripe? of materials over the shoulders. Both men and womencan wear tank tops. Tank tops show the skin of your shoulders and around yourneck as well.



      本文标题:ESL 1236 Dressing inappropriatel
