emerge:to appeare, or to become recognized.
emerge 前的主语经常是“问题”,“挑战”。
1. 翻译:老问题一直都存在,新问题也开始暴露出来。
Old questions always remained, and new quedtions also emerge.
答案:Old problems remain, and new problems are beginning to emerge.
question和problem的区别:If there is a question, you need an answer. If there is a problem, you need a solution.
question 一般指很快可以解决的, problem 一般指不好解决的问题。
question 通常指学术上的问题,偏具象;problem 可以指生活上遇到的困难和麻烦,比较抽象。
2. 场景1):新科技出现,帮助人们提升生活质量。 造句1):As the new technologies emerge, it can help people improve their living conditions.
场景2):花儿在春天开放。 造句2):The flowers emerge in the spring.
一个新兴经济大国的世界:a world of emerging ecnomic giants
