Day 45 Raz P-Mud Run阅读笔记
- 关于配套的练习
今天(11月5日)做了这本书的Quick Check,10个选择题+1个开放性问题,对应答题纸批改,并理解对应哪个知识点。花费时间10分钟。
Worksheet有3页,第一页是根据文本结合自己的已知做推理,说实话这个内容我也不知道该怎么做。第2页是一篇记录自己参加Mud Run的小短文,划出形容词以及它们所形容的名词,再用这些形容词写2句自己的句子。这个可以做,丰富形容词词汇量和文字的表现力。
Discussion Card有6个问题,分别对应Main Idea and Details等知识点。
我觉得,作为日常阅读,选择Quiz或者是封面Focus Question或者封底的Connections即可,不需要把Quiz/Worksheet/Discussion Card整套练习做下来。这些内容更适合分成几天几节课的教学任务,穿插在学校的课堂教学中。
2.重点分析本文的教学Persuasive essay
在封底的Connections中 Writing and Art作业:
Would you like to participate in a mud run? Why or why not? Write a persuasive essay explaining your opinion of view. Use details from the book to support your answer.
文中,有一段范文,题为They Don't Make It Easy
Running through mud isn't easy. (Topic sentence.表明自己的观点)
The mud sticks to your shoes and slows you down,so you have to work hard to move forward. Race organizers know this,and they use mud to create fitness challenges.(理由1)
Mud isn't the only challenge racers face, though. (连接句,承上启下。除了Mud,还考验你的什么呢?)In a mud run,you will also need to be strong,brave,and willing to get dirty to deal with certain obstacles. (理由2——主题句)You'll need arm strength to scramble over cargo nets and climbing walls. (支持论据1)You'll need patience and good attention to get past challenges like the balance beam.(支持论据2)
"Crawls"(like the bear crawl,caterpillar crawl,and crab crawl)will work just about every muscle in your body. You'll need to get right down into the mud to do the crawls or slither through tunnels. (支持论据3)
And some obstacles test your bravery. You might slide down a steep hill into water,cross a river,or even jump over fire! (支持论据4)
For this reason,training for mud runs requires many different kinds of exercise.(递进式结论,回应观点)
按照这个框架,就是一篇论据充分的persuasive essay写作。这个Thinking Routine正是国内教育中最欠缺的部分:严谨的思维和表达的逻辑性。在Raz的学习中,除了语言的收获,潜移默化地内化这种思维框架,对于我们口语和书面的中英文表达都极有帮助。