Case1 : 付款期限 Net30天,这个30天里不想包含节假日,在哪里能够设置付款日历吗
Feedback: 设置 Payment calendar
Case 2:根据付款金额自动更新付款方式?比如5万以下银行转账,5万以上使用汇票之类的。这个需求标准能功能实现吗?
Case 3: 有种付款方式,是下月月末付款,那怎么设置付款期限才能让系统找到下月月末那天作为到期日期啊?如果设成net30天,那就算是这个月末那天过账发票,那算出来的付款到期的为+30天,如果6月份的话为30天正好是6月末,要是7月份的话就是31天了,算出来的可能是7月30日,而不是7月末的31号啊?如何解决呢
Case4 :
If the invoice is created between 6-15 the day of the month then the payment due date should be on 25th day of the month
If invoice is created between 16-25 day of the month then the payment date should be on 5th day of next month
If the invoice is created between 26 th day of current month to 5th of next month the the payment dure date should be on 15th of next month.
Feedback:Thank you. It worked. I created one Payment Term with Net 10 Days and selected a Payment Day 5 15 25 which constitutes three payment days 5 15 25 (month). The System figured out which payment Day should be picked.
Case5:Can we make payment terms to divide the amount in percentage? ex an invoice is for 100,000
I want to receive the payment in 3 terms,
1-after a week 40% payment
2-after next week 35%
3-after next week 25%
Feedback:You can try to use the payment schedule and insert 3 lines of payment with the percentage.