

作者: YangLittle | 来源:发表于2020-10-08 13:36 被阅读0次

You have to fight to reach your dream. You have to sacrifice and work hard for it.

I come to fully understand it while calculating the students' homework.Totally I assigned 74 homework during the 86 days  of online teaching and learning during staying at home because of the  corona  virus. Unbelievable!


It's hard to believe that it has been 86 days.

It's harder to see that I have assigned so much homework.

It's even harder to see that the following students have achieved so much.  What a fantastic job they are doing!

I admire you for your perseverance

When learning live broadcasting technology, I also felt tired and powerless. When preparing for the lessons until midnight ,I also felt stressed.

I admire you for your perseverance

It's you, my brave and persistent students,who give me courage.

It's you, my enthusiastic and self- disciplined students who teach me to carry on.

What we do is to fight against the corona virus together.

What we do is to make a contribution to the fight against the virus together for the whole country, even for the whole world.

You have acquired good qualities when you stick to your homework. There is no doubt that homework consumed your time and energy. It prevented you from hanging around,playing games or just doing nothing. However, persistence, bravery, self -discipline , the ability to teach yourself , and the ability to manage yourself is the most valuable asset you have  acquired.

Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.

Dare to be honest and fear no labor.

Congratulations on your achievements.

Thanks for your accompanying  online for  so long a time.


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