adept: adj. very good at doing something that is not easy
- v + ~: be, seem; become
- adv + ~: extremely, fairly, very; highly; equally; especially, particularly; technically, technologically; exceptionally, incredibly, marvelously, wonderfully, unusually
- ~ + prep: at; in; with
Tom 不仅擅长写作,还擅长拍电影。
Tom is adept not only writing but also making films.
句子: Human beings are probably the only animal adept at killing for fun.
翻译: 人类大概是唯一一种擅长杀戮取乐的动物了。
场景: 最恐怖的生物,没有之一。
句子: A good detective might be adept at solving crimes, but he will definitely find it difficult to deduce what the girl he likes is thinking about.
翻译: 好的侦探也许会擅长破案,但很难推理出他喜欢的女生在想什么。
场景: 《名侦探柯南》漫画 752。