

作者: 黯蓝megumi是Amy | 来源:发表于2017-05-06 18:51 被阅读0次

    Unfortunately, Dad wakes up at 6:00 in the morning no matter what day of the week it is, and he is not real considerate of the fact that I am trying to enjoy my Saturday like a normal person.

    I didn’t have anything to do today so I just headed up to Rowley’s house.

    Rowley is technically my best friend, but that is definitely subject to change.

    considerate 体贴的,为他人着想的

    英文解释:Someone who is considerate pays attention to the needs, wishes, or feelings of other people.

    e.g. I think he’s the most charming, most considerate man I've ever known.


    head up to 朝…方向;直接去某地

    technically 根据确切意义地;严格按照事实地

    英文解释:If something is technically the case, it is the case according to a strict interpretation of facts, laws, or rules, but may not be important or relevant in a particular situation.

    e.g. Nude bathing is technically illegal but there are plenty of unspoilt beaches where no one would ever know.

    comment:近义词有strictly,in theory。

    subject to 处于...中

    英文解释:if someone or something is subject to something,especially something bad, it is possible or likely that they will be affected by it.

    e.g. Prices are subject to change.

    comment:subject to也有受制于服从于的意思,后面一般接具体的法律,政策,处罚等。

    I’ve been avoiding Rowley since the first day of school, when he did something that really annoyed me.

    We were getting our stuff from our lockers at the end of the day, and Rowley came up to me and said—want to come over to my house and plaayyy?

    I have told Rowley at least a billion times that now that we’re in middle school, you’re supposed to say “hang out,” not “play.” But no matter how many noogies I give him, he always forgets the next time.

    I’ve been trying to be a lot more careful about my image ever since I got to middle school. But having Rowley around is definitely not helping.

    hang out 闲逛,出去消遣

    英文解释:If you hang out in a particular place or area, you go and stay there for no particular reason, or spend a lot of time there.

    comment:hang out也有晾衣服的意思,hang out clothes。

    noogie 敲脑门 US school slang

    英文解释:a hard rubbing with the knuckles on someone's head, or occasionally elsewhere, intended to inflict pain

    image 形象

    英文解释:The image of a person, group, or organization is the way that they appear to other people.

    e.g. He has cultivated the image of an elder statesman.

    I met Rowley a few years ago when he moved into my neighborhood.

    His mom bought him this book called “How to Make Friends in New Places,” and he came to my house trying all these dumb gimmicks.

    I guess I kind of felt sorry for Rowley, and I decided to take him under my wing.

    It’s been great having him around, mostly because I get to use all the tricks Rodrick pulls on me.

    gimmick 花招,把戏

    英文解释:A gimmick is an unusual and unnecessary feature or action whose purpose is to attract attention or publicity.

    take sb. under one’s wing 关照某人

    英文解释:to take care of or protect somebody

    get to do 有机会做某事

    英文解释:to be able to do something that you have wanted to do for a long time, or something that you are not usually allowed to do.

    e.g. We actually got to meet the president when he was here last week.

    pull a trick on sb. 耍把戏

    comment:平时更多会用play a trick on sb.



