每日英语 25

作者: 6c309803c4cb | 来源:发表于2019-04-18 19:16 被阅读82次

Idiom of the Day

📚a vicious circle

If you're in a vicious circle you're in a situation in which the solution to one problem becomes the cause of another one, and the solution to that one causes the first problem to occur again.

❕For example:

🔺If I quit cigarettes I put on weight, and if I put on weight I get depressed, and if I get depressed I start smoking again. It's a vicious circle.

🔺I'm in this vicious circle where the more I work, the more I spend on rewarding myself for all the hard work, so no matter how hard I work, I never save any money.


详细信息 https://www.jianshu.com/p/d3e7cab20323


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