implementation[ˌɪmpləmɛnˈteɪʃən] n.执行,履行;实施,贯彻;生效;完成;工具;仪器;供给器具
you need to complete your implementation.
Outliers [ˈaʊtlaɪərz] 异类;异常值;超凡者;离群值;极端值
he is a outliers.
factors [ˈfæktərz] n.因素;要素;因子;因数;(增或减的)数量,倍数 v.把…因素包括进去;(数学)分解…的因子,将…分解成因子;以代理商(或管家等)的身份行事;做代理商(或管家)
there are so many factors in this formula.
relate [rɪˈleɪt] v.联系;使有联系;把…联系起来;叙述;讲述;讲(故事)
you need to relate these two things.
tipping point [ˈtɪpɪŋ pɔɪnt] n.(个案积累终成大趋的)引爆点,爆发点
our product need a tipping point.
approve [əˈpruːv] v.赞成;同意;批准,通过(计划、要求等);认可;核准
we approved you go out the prison.
Cherish [ˈtʃerɪʃ]v.珍爱;钟爱;爱护;抱有(信念、希望);怀有(好感);怀念
we should cherish our time.
association [əˌsoʊsiˈeɪʃn] n.协会;社团;联盟;联合;合伙;关联;交往;联想;联系
you need to take part in some industry association.
summary [ˈsʌməri] n.总结;概括;概要 adj.总结性的;概括的;概要的;从速从简的;即决的;草草的
i write the summary every day.
summarize [ˈsʌməraɪz] v.总结;概括;概述
you need to summarize your experiences