Sophies's World 苏菲的世界 - Day 2 -

Sophies's World 苏菲的世界 - Day 2 -

作者: 左一拳右一圈 | 来源:发表于2018-01-18 13:53 被阅读0次




PS:为什么是从Day2 开始呢,是的,就是又欠课了。。。Day1 读了,但是小测验未做,先pass吧。。。苏菲的世界,以入门哲学闻名,不知道读完后是否会突然对世界有了不一样的看法或认识呢,期待ing。


Day2  Chapter 1  The Garden of Eden, Part 2

Who are you?

"You can’t experience being alive without realizing that you have to die, she thought. But it’s just as impossible to realize you have to die without thinking how incredibly amazing it is to be alive."

“How tragic that most people had to get ill before they understood what a gift it was to be alive. Or else they had to find a mysterious letter in the mailbox!”


Where does the world came from?

"At some point, something must have come from nothing. But was that possible? Wasn’t that just as impossible as the idea that the world had always existed?"

世界来自哪里,想到了 The Big Bang Theory Theme,

《the history of everything》

Barenaked Ladies Our whole universe was in a hot dense state, 宇宙一度又烫又稠密 Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started. Wait... 140亿年前终于爆了炸 等着瞧... The Earth began to cool, 地球开始降温 The autotrophs began to drool, 自养生物来起哄 Neanderthals developed tools, 穴居人发明工具 We built a wall (we built the pyramids), 我们建长城(我们建金字塔) Math, science, history, unraveling the mysteries, 数学 自然科学 历史 揭开神秘 That all started with the big bang! 一切由大爆炸开始 "Since the dawn of man" is really not that long, 其实人类历史没有多久





      本文标题:Sophies's World 苏菲的世界 - Day 2 -
