

作者: 夏虫羽 | 来源:发表于2020-06-15 22:49 被阅读0次

提起澳洲的历史,本地人是这样说的,澳洲历史学家都在撒谎,历史一半是真的,一半全靠编! 没错这就是人们赞颂的多元文化国度,残酷的方式摒弃了六万多年的土著文化,高歌赞颂无耻的殖民掠夺和屠杀。 The Lost Generation 被偷走的一代aboriginal austrailans 或者the first people 




一名原居民从很远的地方来到城市检查身体,这是他第一次量血压,医生说他的血压高,心跳太快,要注意! 回家后他很苦恼,他并不明白医生是什么意思。 于是他变问了一位在当地考察的白人教授:” 医生说我的问题是太快了,到底是什么意思呢?是我吃饭太快了,还是我走路太快了?“ 

”Dr said that my heart is too fast, what does it mean? Am I eating too fast or walking too fast?" 


堪培拉是澳大利亚的首都,官方礼貌的翻译意思是“聚集之地”。 确切的土著语言翻译是cleavage, 即妇女穿低胸衣服时候露出的乳沟。 而堪培拉是Black Mountain 和 Red Hill 之间的山谷。

综合两个笑话看起来,你得到什么结论呢? 文化冲突“笑话”的根源主要来之于不同种群的语言和价值观关的差别。那么文化融合的途径就是什么? 你看我的笑话,我看你的笑话吗? NO。 绝对不是。 TED 讲座的教授最后总结 We need to walk together to share our different worldview and languages for a better future cooperation. 多元文化融合的关键是如果包容和理解对方民族的世界观。

The polite answer is 'meeting place'. This is correct, but the full answer is 'cleavage' - Canberra is the valley between the 'breasts' of Black Mountain and Red Hill (which should be called Black Breast and Red Breast). Other locations were also named after female anatomy, so as you travelled away from Canberra you would be moving over her body: a neat mapping trick that made it easier to navigate. Sadly most of those names are lost; I'm not aware of any others (although some may be scattered around and just not used much).

Canberra on the borders of 3 different tribal groups, the Nunnawal (part of the Wirradjuri), the Ngarigo and the Walgulu: their languages are related, so all three had a different variant on Canberra - 'nganbirra' is the only one I'm aware of still being used. 'Canberry' was the anglicization of all 3 terms - an early squatter named his station this and the name stuck. Several places in Canberra are named after sheep and cattle stations, frex 'Belconnen' is from 'Belconnu' meaning 'I don't know where they are': an answer given to a squatter when he asked a native worker where his cattle were. He liked the name, so kept it (and yes, he got the joke).





