卡罗尔·里奇的《新闻写作与报道训练教程》(Writing and Reporting News: A Coaching Method)放在案头也有好几个月了,全英文的,一直没安排好时间好好学习下组长给的这本编译入门教程。

(Writing and Reporting News: A Coaching Method)
C2 Basic News Story关于新闻故事
Basic News Story新闻故事
The basic news story is told upside down. Itusually is called a hard-news story.
Two formulas
No. 1 A direct approach
Give the result first. Then explain and givedetails.
No. 2 A storytelling approach
Some stories start with a storytelling approach,such as an anecdote about a person or place.
News has a FOCUS
Regardless of how you start or structure yourstory, all news stories are developed around one main point, a FOCUS!
The body of a story should contain QUOTEs, FACTs andINFO to support the main FOCUS.
Two steps
Step 1: decide what the story is about (can help finda lead)
Focus statement/focus graph/ nut graph (核心段落) shouldbe in one sentence fewer than 35 words.
Step 2: how you would tell the story to a friend (helpfind a structure for the story)
Talk about the most interesting info first
Talk about something that isn’t clear, your friendwill probably ask you to explain.
Then, write a compelling story to make the reader SEE.
The best reporters, whatever their backgrounds ortheir personalities, share that consummate drive to get to the center of astory and then put the reader on the screen.
From Eugene Roberts, a former editor at The NewYork Times