Frist English passage

Frist English passage

作者: 玉林林林林 | 来源:发表于2019-01-01 10:39 被阅读11次

Happy new year everybody. I will writing some word by English. yea, just a  test to myself. Although my English is so poor, I really want improve my English. I hope I have a trip in another country.

So, speak English with me if you can do it, please. Maybe, there are lot of grammatical mistake in the article. I will consult the dictionary when I meet  a new word.

Yea, I can't go on write the article, because I can't remember another word and how to use it. I want speak Chinese but I can't. I'm busted out crying.

Ok.let's put an end to the passage.


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      本文标题:Frist English passage
