
作者: 快樂很簡單 | 来源:发表于2018-04-06 22:57 被阅读16次


Today we had two classes.

During the second class in the afternoon, we meet Ms Christin, a very knowledgable and lecturer. And she started class 30 minutes late, and end the class 1 hours later. Hmmm. This actually dragged our meeting with the AIESECer in UNILA hmm. After that go to University Lampung to meet Almaas, LCVP OGV UNILA at Faculty of Business. And I found something very cool.


It’s a fucking AIESEC sticker on the car!!!

After that we joined the meeting @ McDonald Kedaton. Able to meet their very dedicated, experienced LCP, Ratih and a very confident LCVP IGV, Rainy. And of course, we met all the project directors and finally get to know more about their projects.


Yeah, and we gave them the stickers of IMPACT MALAYSIA!

The realisation of meeting them is, they are so passionate and systematic in doing IGV projects. It makes me feel very motivated as well, but at the same time I feel powerless because I had been dragging the timeline for quite sometime. TT

But overall meeting with them I understand their project, timeline and even their stakeholders. There’re a few interesting fact I found there.

1. They start project planning since January.

2. The recruit OC for project directors.

3. Their BD more focus on BD, not IGV.

4. Their meeting is very chill and bonding is very close.

5. They’re very confident on what they do.

6. Their LCP has been in AIESE for 3 years and counting.

I really love the feeling of meeting another soul in foreign country with same topic and it’s very comfortable with them!

After come back from raining Lampunf you unimal, we had a huge meal and that’s our day kot. ;)

Things to appreciate today.

1. Thanks Almaas to fetching us to McDonald.

2. Thanks Ms Christin for the inspiring lecture today.

3. Thanks Ratih, Rainy and many more for their help in going back to UniLA.

4. Thanks Mina for giving me the advise before I meet UNILA.


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