英语ppt - 草稿

英语ppt - 草稿

作者: 嘻嘻嘻嘻我我哦我 | 来源:发表于2017-11-05 10:35 被阅读0次

p2 and next we will learn about family structure through the tv play

p3 there was a man call huyitong .he met a

woman called liumei and they fell in love.

soon they got married and  had a baby whose name was liuxing.It is what we call nuclear family.

p4 but .life is unpredictable.huyitong and liumei divorced. liumei live alone with her child liuxing. A family consists of father or mather with children is what we call single-parent family.


fortunately.liumei met a man called with two children. and they formed a new family

it's called blended family .


in the tv play. liumei'mather and xiadonghai'father  had appeared for several

times .it seemed like xia and liu dont have bros and sisiters .and let make

an assumption.if they have bros and sisters .they live together. that would be called extended family


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