

作者: peizhenjy | 来源:发表于2017-09-01 17:26 被阅读23次


1. Its impossible to become an expert overnight

There are a few of my peers who claim that as soonas they saw the first set of shapes, they could immediately see a pattern, andfrom then on they got every other question after this correct. It is not thateasy!

From my point of view, it is best to not timeyourself for at least the first 10 or 15 shapes as this can become verystressful very quickly! Take your time, scan the whole set of shapes, and puteach set through a set of questions to rule out obvious patterns. For example:

Is there a colour pattern?

Does the pattern concern the number of shapes?

Does the pattern concern the types of shapes (e.g.all rectangles, all stars)?

Does the pattern concern the size of shapes (e.g. 3big, 1 small shape)?

Is there symmetry in each panel of the set?

Is there a ratio of shapes (e.g. 2 black squares forevery circle)?

It is often best to use your own set of questionsto suit your style of thinking, but once you have this set, it can makerecognising patterns easier.

2.Picking up the pace over time is important

As I mentioned above, it is important first to

master the technique of looking at each set as a whole. After this, timing

becomes a factor. Don’t be fooled into thinking that you will fly through this section becauseas soon as you spot a pattern you will be able to answer 5 or 6 questions in ashort amount of time. There will be at least 1 or 2 patterns which you willhave to make educated guesses on. These are the real areas which will test yourtime management skills.

In total, you have 13 minutes to answer 55questions, averaging at just under 15 seconds a question, which is not a lot oftime. Once you become accustomed to answering questions, time yourself.

Most importantly, be strict; the UKCAT is a

computer based examination and it will NOT wait if you don’t manage to answer all the questions! As per myschedule, I started timing myself a month before my scheduled examination, thena couple of weeks before, I gave myself exactly the amount of time I would begiven in the exam, before then giving myself 2 or 3 seconds less for eachquestion to take into account the practicalities of answering the questions ona computer, without paper.

3. You can come back to each set at the end of thesection!

This is probably my most important advice. If youget stuck on a pattern for more than a minute, LEAVE IT. Most patterns you spotwill jump out at you within the first 30 seconds, and it is much more importantto answer each pattern than get stuck for 3 minutes trying to answer one of themore complicated ones.




