算法专题:Graph Theory

算法专题:Graph Theory

作者: akak18183 | 来源:发表于2017-06-27 02:36 被阅读0次

图论Graph Theory是CS里面相当重要的一个领域,也是非常博大精深的一块。这里主要实现一些比较基础的算法。

graph = {'A': ['B', 'C'], 'B': ['D', 'E'], 'C': ['D', 'E'], 'D': ['E'], 'E': ['A']}

def recursive_dfs(graph, start, path=[]):
    path = path + [start]
    for node in graph[start]:
        if node not in path:
            path = recursive_dfs(graph, node, path)
    return path

def iterative_dfs(graph, start):
    path = []
    # dfs uses a stack, so that it visits the last node
    # pushed to stack (explores as deep as possible first)
    stack = [start]
    while stack:
        v = stack.pop()  # pops out the last in (go deeper)
        if v not in path:
            path += [v]  # add v to path
            stack += graph[v]  # push v's neighbors to stack
    return path

def iterative_bfs(graph, start):
    path = []
    queue = [start]
    # bfs uses a queue, so that it visits the nodes pushed
    # to the queue first. So it first visits all the neighbors
    # and then the neighbors' neighbors (explores the soroundings
    # as much as possible without going deep)
    while queue:
        v = queue.pop(0)  # pops out the first in (go wider)
        if v not in path:
            path += [v]
            queue += graph[v]  # push v's neighbors to queue
     return path 

两种方法各有千秋。T:O(V+E) S:O(V)

** Dijkstra**

# Dijkstra T:O(V^2) S:O(V)
def popmin(pqueue):
    # A (ascending or min) priority queue keeps element with
    # lowest priority on top. So pop function pops out the element with
    # lowest value. It can be implemented as sorted or unsorted array
    # (dictionary in this case) or as a tree (lowest priority element is
    # root of tree)
    lowest = 1000
    keylowest = None
    for key in pqueue:
        if pqueue[key] < lowest:
            lowest = pqueue[key]
            keylowest = key
    del pqueue[keylowest]
    return keylowest

def dijkstra(graph, start):
    # Using priority queue to keep track of minium distance from start
    # to a vertex.
    pqueue = {}  # vertex: distance to start
    dist = {}  # vertex: distance to start
    pred = {}  # vertex: previous (predecesor) vertex in shortest path
    # initializing dictionaries
    for v in graph:
        dist[v] = 1000
        pred[v] = -1
    dist[start] = 0
    for v in graph:
        pqueue[v] = dist[v]  # equivalent to push into queue

    while pqueue:
        u = popmin(pqueue)  # for priority queues, pop will get the element with smallest value
        for v in graph[u].keys():  # for each neighbor of u
            w = graph[u][v]  # distance u to v
            newdist = dist[u] + w
            if (newdist < dist[v]):  # is new distance shorter than one in dist?
                # found new shorter distance. save it
                pqueue[v] = newdist
                dist[v] = newdist
                pred[v] = u

     return dist, pred 


** Bellman-Ford**
d(v) > d (u) + w(u,v)

# Bellman-Ford T:O(VE) S:O(V)
# Step 1: For each node prepare the destination and predecessor
def initialize(graph, source):
    d = {}  # Stands for destination
    p = {}  # Stands for predecessor
    for node in graph:
        d[node] = float('Inf')  # We start admiting that the rest of nodes are very very far
        p[node] = None
    d[source] = 0  # For the source we know how to reach
    return d, p

def relax(node, neighbour, graph, d, p):
    # Step 2: If the distance between the node and the neighbour is lower than the one I have now
    if d[neighbour] > d[node] + graph[node][neighbour]:
        # Record this lower distance
        d[neighbour] = d[node] + graph[node][neighbour]
        p[neighbour] = node

def bellman_ford(graph, source):
    d, p = initialize(graph, source)
    for i in range(len(graph) - 1):  # Run this until is converges
        for u in graph:
            for v in graph[u]:  # For each neighbour of u
                relax(u, v, graph, d, p)  # Lets relax it

    # Step 3: check for negative-weight cycles
    for u in graph:
        for v in graph[u]:
            assert d[v] <= d[u] + graph[u][v]

     return d, p 


# Floyd-Warshall T:O(V^3) S:O(V)
def floydwarshall(graph):
    # Initialize dist and pred:
    # copy graph into dist, but add infinite where there is
    # no edge, and 0 in the diagonal
    dist = {}
    pred = {}
    for u in graph:
        dist[u] = {}
        pred[u] = {}
        for v in graph:
            dist[u][v] = 1000
            pred[u][v] = -1
        dist[u][u] = 0
        for neighbor in graph[u]:
            dist[u][neighbor] = graph[u][neighbor]
            pred[u][neighbor] = u

    for t in graph:
        # given dist u to v, check if path u - t - v is shorter
        for u in graph:
            for v in graph:
                newdist = dist[u][t] + dist[t][v]
                if newdist < dist[u][v]:
                    dist[u][v] = newdist
                    pred[u][v] = pred[t][v]  # route new path through t
 return dist, pred



      本文标题:算法专题:Graph Theory
