If we couldn’t thin-slice—if you really had to know someone for months and months to get at their true selves—then Apollo 13 would be robbed of its drama and Splash would not be funny.
作者说,这就是我们薄片撷取(Thin-slicing)的能力。我们的意识有一种能力,只凭借些微的「经验薄片」,就能够掌握情境与行为的模式。就是因为我们能用有限的信息,就掌握全局,所以我们能听懂笑话、能看懂电影里的暗示等等,所以薄片撷取不是什么神奇的能力,事实上我们都是这方面的老手(We’re old hands at thin-slicing)。
Human beings make snap judges to work properly in their life: we know who we can trust on by a first impression; we know which doctor would gain patients’ trust in minutes after observing the doctor’s talking style, even without any background information.
In the same way, we can predict which couple gets along well in the next decade and which doesn’t soon after we do some observation. To our surprise, we get high chance to be right with our prediction.
The thing is this. We know if happy mood outweighs bad one, a marriage is likely lasting long. And if we are good at reading people, or we train ourselves to be so, we can predict a couple’s marriage status in minutes.Our ability to comprehend the most critical aspects of things makes us judging things well in a snap.
Words & Phrases
1 The truth of
The truth of a marriage can be understood in a much shorter time than anyone ever imagined.
The truth of的句型可以注意。换作是我这句就会写成:The truth is that a marriage can be understood…
2 fist
摩斯密码(Morse Code)通讯世界中所谓的「笔迹」
A relationship between two people has a fist as well: a distinctive signature that arises naturally and automatically.
3 contempt
Contempt is any statement made from a higher level. A lot of the time it’s an insult: ‘You are a bitch. You’re scum.’ It’s trying to put that person on a lower plane than you. It’s hierarchical.
the presence of contempt in a marriage can even predict such things as how many colds a husband or a wife gets
the presence of的句型值得注意,我可能就会写成if contempt appears in a marriage...