L53/54-Monkeying around

L53/54-Monkeying around

作者: Simin的快乐法杖 | 来源:发表于2020-12-01 07:19 被阅读0次


    1. 度假  be on vacation

    2. 日出时/日落时  at sunset  /  at sunrise

    3. 许许多多的/不同种类的: a wide range of / a wide variety of ……

    4. 举止像  act like

    5. 胡闹,鬼混  monkey around / fool around / horse around

    6. treat  n.乐事,款待  v.宴请,款待 

    举行一场特别的宴席  have a special treat / feast (节日,宴会) 

    7.自助餐桌  buffet table

    8. 堆积着 be piled with

    9. 突然发生 break out

    10.注视 stare at ……

    11. 出来,出现 turn out to + v.

    12.没门!不可能!  No way !

    13.难怪。怪不得! No wonder !

    就寝,睡觉   hit the sack = turn in = go to bed = go to the sleep

    【语法 | 句子 | 仿写】

    >关系代词 | 其在从句中不做主语或者宾语时,前面一定要加介词。当该介词移至句尾时,关系代词可以省略。

    The small town (which) he lives in is not far from here.

    > 间应句

    >>肯定间应句:so, too

    He is a doctor, and so is his father. 

    He is a doctor, and his father is, too.        (不倒装,前要有,隔开)

    >>否定间应句:neither, nor, either, so

    Tom isn't a student, and neither am I.       (neither需not)

    Tom isn't a student, nor am I.                    (nor本身是连词,无需not)

    Tom isn't a student, and I am not, either.   (不倒装,前要有,隔开+前要有not)

    But nobody seems to care. Neither do the monkeys.


    -You can't swim.  -So I can't


    Variety is the spice of life.

    spice   n.情趣,趣味,香料,调味品。    spicy a.口味重的

    Tom's cooking needs more spice; it's too bland (平淡无味的).


    What have you got in mind ?

    > 渴望/非常想要……

    be dying to / be eager to / be longing to ……

    I am dying to marry with my lover and settle down.


    You've got to be kidding.


    Monkeys will be monkeys

    【Simin 的转述】

    There is a special treat for Monkey called the Annual Monkey Feast in Thailand. As you probably guessed, the feast is hold for monkeys. For Monkeys? Yes !

    Thai people believe that keeping monkeys happy will bring good luck. So every year there is a special day in which they will send a wide range of food to monkeys. And clever monkeys will come from the mountains to "sit at" long buffet tables and enjoy these delicious food which include bananas, peanuts, watermelons and cabbage.

    However, monkeys will be monkeys. So they fool around and fights break out. But nobody seems to care. Neither do the monkeys. They just stare at the crowds of people who turn out to watch them and then continue to monkey around and have a good time.



          本文标题:L53/54-Monkeying around
