In this chapter, Lewis compares Christian Morality and Psychoanalysis, both claim to be a technique for putting human machine right.在本章中,Lewis比较了基督教道德与精神分析学,二者都声称是修正人类行为的技术。
I admire Lewis that he is able to dissect this types of abstract topics in such a logical and clear manner. To compare this two, he listed two things for a moral choice, first, the various feelings, impulses and so on, he called the raw materials; second, the act of choosing. Then he pointsout the psychoanalysis does is to make the “raw materials” right, and stating that the wrong raw materials are not sin, but a disease, therefore no need to repent for the wrong raw materials but to be cured. 我非常佩服Lewis能够以如此逻辑清晰的方式剖析这种类型的话题。为了比较这两者,他列出了道德选择的两个方面:第一,各种情感、冲动等,他称之为原材料;第二,选择的行为。然后他指出,精神分析学所做的是使“原材料”正确,并且声明错误的原材料并不是罪,而是一种疾病,因此不需要为错误的原材料忏悔,而是需要治愈。而在原材料正确之后,“如何做出何种选择“ 这种道德行为已经超出了“精神分析学” 的适用范围。Lewis使用了形象的、两个因怕死而避免上战场的士兵的例子来解释他的观点。
He then counters the "bargain view" of Christianity, which states that if you do something good, then God will reward you. Instead, he argues that every choice we make gradually moves us closer to or further away from God; in other words, every decision shapes us into increasingly heavenly or hellish creatures. I find his critique of the "bargain view" very relevant. If you pay attention to how we Christian talk to each other, you will notice that this view of God—as rewarding good deeds and punishing bad ones—is common,turning our relationship with God into a transactional one. I appreciate Lewis’s critiques and explanation here.然后,他反驳了一种“交易观”,这种观点认为,如果你做了好事,上帝就会奖励你。相反,他认为我们做出的每一个选择都在逐渐将我们拉近或远离上帝;换句话说,每一个决定都在逐渐将我们塑造成更接近天堂或地狱的生物。我觉得他对“交易观”的批判非常有现实意义。如果你注意到基督徒彼此交谈的方式,你会发现这种对上帝的看法——奖励好行为,惩罚坏行为——是很普遍的,然而这却将我们与上帝的关系变成了一种交易的关系。我很欣赏Lewis对这种观点的批判和他的解释。