作者: 冰封钻石 | 来源:发表于2017-02-02 11:16 被阅读15次

You run into any trouble, you call me.
I got it covered.
Gene Clancy know I'm coming?
Just spoke to him.
Get to it.
Your flight is booked, leaves in 55 minutes. Ed will be joining you.
Where's Steve?
He went home sick about an hour ago, sir. I'll be filling in.
What's your name again? Edward what?
You drive fast, Meacham?

You wanted to talk to me?
Come on, Zoe. This is Mrs. Tilden, owner of--
She knows who I am.
Mrs. Tilden liked your profile on Catherine Durant.
No, I didn't. I loved it. In depth, uncompromising. Normally I don't read things before they go to print, but Cathy's a friend. Tell me how you knew she'd be nominated before she did?
You want my source?
Tom says you won't tell him.
I haven't told anyone.
Well, I own the paper.
And I'm very grateful to be working here.
So you're not going to tell me either.
Which do you want, my source or my integrity?
Tom. Move Zoe's piece to the front page of Sunday's edition.
Let me think that over.
You think it over as much as you want. Then put it on the front page.

I've worked really hard to gain a foothold with World Well. Six years ago it was just me and a macbook.
I understand.
And I had to juggle two temp jobs just to pay the rent.
It's your baby. You don't want to let it go.
Well, I just--
And you wouldn't have to, Gillian. All I want is for you to grow what you've already built.
I heard you fired half your staff.
Yes, I did.
That worries me.
I let them go to make room for you.
I'm just not sure we're the right match. To be honest, I'm a little uncomfortable working with someone who's commissioning famous photographers when I can't even buy my volunteers bus fair to the office.
Do you know who Nicky Hemler is?
No. -
Nicky owns one of The biggest galleries in Chelsea. She desperately wanted to represent Adam Galloway. I delivered on Adam, and in return she contributes almost 40 grand a year to CWI. That money goes to impact studies, lobbying efforts, research. World Well could benefit from that sort of money, Gillian, and we can benefit from your expertise.
Can I think about it?
Of course.
We don't have to jump into anything.

run into 遇上
sb join sb 某人与某人一同去(注意一起做某事,不仅仅是together,这样说更地道)
fill in 临时顶替
In depth 深入地,全面地
I'm very grateful to do sth 我非常高兴能做某事
integrity n.耿直,正直诚实(人的品质)
foothold n. 据点;立足处
juggle v〔尤指吃力地〕同时应付〔几份工作、多项活动等〕
deliver on 履行,兑现诺言;实现意图(或期望):
lobby vt. 对……进行游说
benefit from 得益于,得利于,受益于,因…而得益,得到好处:
jump into 一头扎进举身投入(有匆忙的意思)



