
作者: Mariana | 来源:发表于2018-03-12 22:06 被阅读0次

【有着相似的遭遇】share similar experiences
【对……感同身受】fully understand……
【确定目标】set a target(of)
【对……高度负责的精神】a strong sense of responsibility to
【提供力所能及的帮助】offer help within our capabilities
【力争使……成为新亮点】work to make sth a bright spot
【……没有根本改变】No fundamental change has taken place in……
【保持经济平稳较快发展】maintain steady and fast economic growth
【……具有重要的现实意义】it is of great immediate importance to
【各国政要聚集在这里】bring together government leaders
【共同探讨】jointly explore ways to
【富有智慧的声音】words of wisdom
【战胜危机的力量】strength to tide over the crisis
【向世界传递……】send to the world a message of……
【在……之中】amid//amidst//in the middle of
【我们有责任】it is our responsibility to
【有百害而无一利】be harmful in many ways but beneficial in no way
【不信这一套】don't buy it
【翻天覆地的变化】profound changes
【古老的东方大国】a big, ancient country in the East
【通过艰苦奋斗取得的成就】achievements accomplished through strenuous efforts
【对……有着清醒的认识】be clear-headed about
【中西部和广大农村】the central and western regions and the vast rural areas
【……有了很大改善】……has made significant improvement
【就业压力很大】be confronted with high employment pressure
【社会主义初级阶段】preliminary stage of socialism
【仍然属于发展中国家】remains a developing country
【走……道路】follow the path of
【……得益于……】……would not be possible without……//benifit from(少)
【现代化建设】modernization drive
【在……过程中应运而生】be born in the process of……
【必然产物】natural product
【使……有正确的前进方向】put……on the right course
【从根本上改变了……的前途命运】reshape the future and destiny of
【内忧外患】suffer from both domestic turmoil and foreign invasion
【开启……的历史进程】start the historic march for
【面貌焕然一新】take on a new look
【凝聚共识、谋求合作】seek convergence and cooperation
【开创新局面】open a new chapter
【向……表达衷心的感谢】express our heartfelt thanks to
【达成一系列共识】reach a series of consensus/agreements
【为……指明了方向】give the(right)direction to
【有福同享,有难同当】Let's stick together through thick and thin.
【苟富贵,勿相忘】Even if you become rich, do not forget each other.
【少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲】If you have an idle youth, you will have a needy age.
【新官上任三把火】A new broom sweeps clean.
【提及】make reference of
【陷入僵局】be at a stalemate
【找个办法打破僵局】find a way out of the gridlock
【如果……那就是一个强烈的信号】If……, that can send a very strong message.
【让人感到没面子】make people lose face
【名言】famous quotes
【正处于……时刻/时候】at a point(where)
【别指望】there is no/little hope of(doing)
【让A闻名遐迩的……】……for which A is famous
【作品(集)】(collection of)works
【最大努力】best efforts
【……运气不佳】……was/were cursed by bad luck
【回顾过去&展望未来】In retrospect & Looking ahead
【致力于】be committed to
【互不干涉内政】non-interference in one another's internal affairs
【政局稳定】(with)political stability
【经济发展的前景是光明的】the prospect for economic development is promising
【充分看到/认识到】fully recognize
【正视】look squarely into
【不同程度地存在……等问题】suffer, to varying degrees, from……
【正常运行】normal functioning
【在各国经济联系日益密切的条件下,要想……,需要……】To……in a closely intertwined global economy, it is imperative for us/countries/etc. to……
【共同防范过度投机】jointly ward off excessive speculation



