We have all been sent to this wo

We have all been sent to this wo

作者: yinshengze | 来源:发表于2018-05-23 14:18 被阅读3次

2018-05-22. G4. Rockets @ Warriors. 

One will have to win simply because he deserves to win and not because his opponent loses. This rule applies to each and every one of us. If you'd like to become a better self, you have to let the better of you take control of life. Make the right decisions and do the right things. You will get bumps here and there, but hey, won't those challenges make the life fun and... well... "life". In the battle between the good and bad in you, there is no winning one for all. You will always keep fighting against your laziness, your desire and all the undelightful thoughts in your mind. It won't be easy but it will be fun. Trust me, it is fun and it will be fun. At the end of the day, when you look back, all the scratches and scares from winning this fight will just become badges on your body. They are like tattoos but made by sweat and sacrifices. 

Keep fighting. Don't afraid to lose one round or even several consecutive rounds. Just keep fighting and remember to fight back. The only lose is to stop fighting. As long as you are in the fight, you will be a better person than you give up and quit. 


2018.05.23 2:18 AM Ottawa



      本文标题:We have all been sent to this wo
