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Going Deeper With Convolutions翻译

Going Deeper With Convolutions翻译

作者: Lornatang | 来源:发表于2019-03-27 13:31 被阅读0次

Going Deeper With Convolutions翻译 上


The network was designed with computational efficiency and practicality in mind, so that inference can be run on individual devices including even those with limited computational resources, especially with low-memory footprint. The network is 22 layers deep when counting only layers with parameters (or 27 layers if we also count pooling). The overall number of layers (independent building blocks) used for the construction of the network is about 100. However this number depends on the machine learning infrastructure system used. The use of average pooling before the classifier is based on [12], although our implementation differs in that we use an extra linear layer. This enables adapting and fine-tuning our networks for other label sets easily, but it is mostly convenience and we do not expect it to have a major effect. It was found that a move from fully connected layers to average pooling improved the top-1 accuracy by about 0.6%, however the use of dropout remained essential even after removing the fully connected layers.


Given the relatively large depth of the network, the ability to propagate gradients back through all the layers in an effective manner was a concern. One interesting insight is that the strong performance of relatively shallower networks on this task suggests that the features produced by the layers in the middle of the network should be very discriminative. By adding auxiliary classifiers connected to these intermediate layers, we would expect to encourage discrimination in the lower stages in the classifier, increase the gradient signal that gets propagated back, and provide additional regularization. These classifiers take the form of smaller convolutional networks put on top of the output of the Inception (4a) and (4d) modules. During training, their loss gets added to the total loss of the network with a discount weight (the losses of the auxiliary classifiers were weighted by 0.3). At inference time, these auxiliary networks are discarded.


The exact structure of the extra network on the side, including the auxiliary classifier, is as follows:


• An average pooling layer with image filter size and stride 3, resulting in an image output for the (4a), and image for the (4d) stage. • image 滤波器大小和步长3的平均汇聚层,导致(4a)的 image 输出和(4d)阶段的 image 导致 image




Figure 3: GoogLeNet network with all the bells and whistles





• A image

convolution with 128 filters for dimension reduction and rectified linear activation.

•带128个滤波器的 image


• A fully connected layer with 1024 units and rectified linear activation.


• A dropout layer with 70% ratio of dropped outputs.


• A linear layer with softmax loss as the classifier (predicting the same 1000 classes as the main classifier, but removed at inference time).


A schematic view of the resulting network is depicted in Figure 3.


Our networks were trained using the DistBelief [4] distributed machine learning system using modest amount of model and data-parallelism. Although we used CPU based implementation only, a rough estimate suggests that the GoogLeNet network could be trained to convergence using few high-end GPUs within a week, the main limitation being the memory usage. Our training used asynchronous stochastic gradient descent with 0.9 momentum [17], fixed learning rate schedule (decreasing the learning rate by 4% every 8 epochs). Polyak averaging [13] was used to create the final model used at inference time.

我们的网络使用DistBelief [4]分布式机器学习系统进行训练,使用适量的模型和数据并行性。虽然我们只使用基于CPU的实现方式,但粗略估计表明,GoogLeNet网络可以在一周内使用少量高端GPU进行融合培训,主要限制是内存使用量。我们的训练使用0.9动量的异步随机梯度下降[17],固定的学习速率计划(每8个学习时间将学习速率降低4%)。使用Polyak平均[13]来创建用于推断时间的最终模型。

Our image sampling methods have changed substantially over the months leading to the competition, and already converged models were trained on with other options, sometimes in conjunction with changed hyperparameters, like dropout and learning rate, so it is hard to give a definitive guidance to the most effective single way to train these networks. To complicate matters further, some of the models were mainly trained on smaller relative crops, others on larger ones, inspired by [8]. Still, one prescription that was verified to work very well after the competition includes sampling of various sized patches of the image whose size is distributed evenly between 8% and 100% of the image area and whose aspect ratio is chosen randomly between image and image . Also, we found that the photometric distortions by Andrew Howard [8] were useful to combat overfitting to some extent. In addition, we started to use random interpolation methods (bilinear, area, nearest neighbor and cubic, with equal probability) for resizing relatively late and in conjunction with other hyperparameter changes, so we could not tell definitely whether the final results were affected positively by their use. 我们的图像采样方法在竞争激烈的几个月里已经发生了很大的变化,已经收敛的模型已经通过其他选项进行了培训,有时还会与更改的超参数一起使用,例如辍学率和学习率,因此很难给出明确的指导最有效的单一方式来训练这些网络。使问题更加复杂化的是,一些模型主要是针对较小的相关作物进行培训,另一些则针对较大的模型进行培训,其灵感来自[8]。尽管如此,经过验证的一个处方在比赛结束后得到了很好的效果,包括对尺寸均匀分布在图像区域8%和100%之间的各种尺寸图像进行采样,并且其长宽比在 image 和 image 之间随机选择。此外,我们发现安德鲁霍华德[8]的光度失真在某种程度上有助于对抗过度拟合。此外,我们开始使用随机插值方法(双线性,面积,最近邻和立方,等概率)调整相对较晚的时间,并与其他超参数变化一起使用,因此我们无法确定最终结果是否受到正面影响他们的使用。

ILSVRC 2014 Classification Challenge Setup and Results

ILSVRC 2014分类挑战设置和结果

The ILSVRC 2014 classification challenge involves the task of classifying the image into one of 1000 leaf-node categories in the Imagenet hierarchy. There are about 1.2 million images for training, 50,000 for validation and 100,000 images for testing. Each image is associated with one ground truth category, and performance is measured based on the highest scoring classifier predictions. Two numbers are usually reported: the top-1 accuracy rate, which compares the ground truth against the first predicted class, and the top-5 error rate, which compares the ground truth against the first 5 predicted classes: an image is deemed correctly classified if the ground truth is among the top-5, regardless of its rank in them. The challenge uses the top-5 error rate for ranking purposes.

ILSVRC 2014分类挑战涉及将图像分类到Imagenet层次结构中1000个叶节点类别之一的任务。大约有120万张培训图片,50,000张图片用于验证,100,000张图片用于测试。每个图像都与一个地面真值类别相关联,并且性能是根据最高得分分类器预测来测量的。通常会报告两个数字:前1个准确率,将实际情况与第一个预测类别进行比较,前5个错误率,将实际情况与前5个预测类别进行比较:图像被认为是正确分类的如果基础真实在前五名之内,不管它们的排名如何。挑战使用排名前5的错误率。

We participated in the challenge with no external data used for training. In addition to the training techniques aforementioned in this paper, we adopted a set of techniques during testing to obtain a higher performance, which we elaborate below.


1. We independently trained 7 versions of the same GoogLeNet model (including one wider version), and performed ensemble prediction with them. These models were trained with the same initialization (even with the same initial weights, mainly because of an oversight) and learning rate policies, and they only differ in sampling methodologies and the random order in which they see input images.


2. During testing, we adopted a more aggressive cropping approach than that of Krizhevsky et al. [9]. Specifically, we resize the image to 4 scales where the shorter dimension (height or width) is 256, 288, 320 and 352 respectively, take the left, center and right square of these resized images (in the case of portrait images, we take the top, center and bottom squares). For each square, we then take the 4 corners and the center image

crop as well as the

2.在测试过程中,我们采取了比Krizhevsky等人更加激进的裁剪方法。 [9]。具体而言,我们将图像调整为4个缩放比例,其中较短的尺寸(高度或宽度)分别为256,288,320和352,将这些调整大小的图像的左侧,中间和右侧平方(在纵向图像的情况下,顶部,中心和底部正方形)。对于每个广场,我们然后采取4个角落和中心 image


6 Training Methodology



Table 2: Classification performance



Table 3: GoogLeNet classification performance break down


square resized to image , and their mirrored versions. This results in image crops per image. A similar approach was used by Andrew Howard [8] in the previous year’s entry, which we empirically verified to perform slightly worse than the proposed scheme. We note that such aggressive cropping may not be necessary in real applications, as the benefit of more crops becomes marginal after a reasonable number of crops are present (as we will show later on). 正方形调整到 image 和他们的镜像版本。这会导致 image 作物每张图像。安德鲁霍华德[8]在前一年的项目中使用了类似的方法,我们通过实证验证表现比拟议方案略差。我们注意到,在实际应用中,这种侵略性耕作可能不是必要的,因为在合理数量的作物出现后,更多作物的利益会变得微不足道(正如我们稍后会展示的)。

3. The softmax probabilities are averaged over multiple crops and over all the individual classifiers to obtain the final prediction. In our experiments we analyzed alternative approaches on the validation data, such as max pooling over crops and averaging over classifiers, but they lead to inferior performance than the simple averaging.

3. softmax概率是对多个作物和所有单个分类器进行平均以获得最终预测结果。在我们的实验中,我们分析了验证数据的可选方法,例如作物上的最大汇集和对分类器的平均值,但它们导致的性能低于简单的平均值。

In the remainder of this paper, we analyze the multiple factors that contribute to the overall performance of the final submission.


Our final submission in the challenge obtains a top-5 error of 6.67% on both the validation and testing data, ranking the first among other participants. This is a 56.5% relative reduction compared to the SuperVision approach in 2012, and about 40% relative reduction compared to the previous year’s best approach (Clarifai), both of which used external data for training the classifiers. The following table shows the statistics of some of the top-performing approaches.


We also analyze and report the performance of multiple testing choices, by varying the number of models and the number of crops used when predicting an image in the following table. When we use one model, we chose the one with the lowest top-1 error rate on the validation data. All numbers are reported on the validation dataset in order to not overfit to the testing data statistics.


ILSVRC 2014 Detection Challenge Setup and Results

ILSVRC 2014检测挑战设置和结果

The ILSVRC detection task is to produce bounding boxes around objects in images among 200 possible classes. Detected objects count as correct if they match the class of the groundtruth and their bounding boxes overlap by at least 50% (using the Jaccard index). Extraneous detections count as false positives and are penalized. Contrary to the classification task, each image may contain



Table 4: Detection performance



Table 5: Single model performance for detection


many objects or none, and their scale may vary from large to tiny. Results are reported using the mean average precision (mAP).


The approach taken by GoogLeNet for detection is similar to the R-CNN by [6], but is augmented with the Inception model as the region classifier. Additionally, the region proposal step is improved by combining the Selective Search [20] approach with multi-box [5] predictions for higher object bounding box recall. In order to cut down the number of false positives, the superpixel size was increased by image

. This halves the proposals coming from the selective search algorithm. We added back 200 region proposals coming from multi-box [5] resulting, in total, in about 60% of the proposals used by [6], while increasing the coverage from 92% to 93%. The overall effect of cutting the number of proposals with increased coverage is a 1% improvement of the mean average precision for the single model case. Finally, we use an ensemble of 6 ConvNets when classifying each region which improves results from 40% to 43.9% accuracy. Note that contrary to R-CNN, we did not use bounding box regression due to lack of time.

GoogLeNet采用的方法与[6]中的R-CNN类似,但是用Inception模型作为区域分类器进行了增强。此外,通过将选择性搜索[20]方法与多盒[5]预测相结合,可以改进区域提议步骤,以实现更高的对象边界框调用。为了减少误报数量, image


We first report the top detection results and show the progress since the first edition of the detection task. Compared to the 2013 result, the accuracy has almost doubled. The top performing teams all use Convolutional Networks. We report the official scores in Table 4 and common strategies for each team: the use of external data, ensemble models or contextual models. The external data is typically the ILSVRC12 classification data for pre-training a model that is later refined on the detection data. Some teams also mention the use of the localization data. Since a good portion of the localization task bounding boxes are not included in the detection dataset, one can pre-train a general bounding box regressor with this data the same way classification is used for pre-training. The GoogLeNet entry did not use the localization data for pretraining.


In Table 5, we compare results using a single model only. The top performing model is by Deep Insight and surprisingly only improves by 0.3 points with an ensemble of 3 models while the GoogLeNet obtains significantly stronger results with the ensemble.

在表5中,我们仅使用单一模型比较结果。表现最佳的模型是Deep Insight,令人惊讶的是只有3个模型的合奏提高了0.3分,而GoogLeNet在合奏中获得了显着更强的结果。

Our results seem to yield a solid evidence that approximating the expected optimal sparse structure by readily available dense building blocks is a viable method for improving neural networks for computer vision. The main advantage of this method is a significant quality gain at a modest increase of computational requirements compared to shallower and less wide networks. Also note that our detection work was competitive despite of neither utilizing context nor performing bounding box


9 Conclusions


regression and this fact provides further evidence of the strength of the Inception architecture. Although it is expected that similar quality of result can be achieved by much more expensive networks of similar depth and width, our approach yields solid evidence that moving to sparser architectures is feasible and useful idea in general. This suggest promising future work towards creating sparser and more refined structures in automated ways on the basis of [2].


We would like to thank Sanjeev Arora and Aditya Bhaskara for fruitful discussions on [2]. Also we are indebted to the DistBelief [4] team for their support especially to Rajat Monga, Jon Shlens, Alex Krizhevsky, Jeff Dean, Ilya Sutskever and Andrea Frome. We would also like to thank to Tom Duerig and Ning Ye for their help on photometric distortions. Also our work would not have been possible without the support of Chuck Rosenberg and Hartwig Adam.

我们要感谢Sanjeev Arora和Aditya Bhaskara [2]的富有成效的讨论。我们也感谢DistBelief [4]团队的支持,特别是Rajat Monga,Jon Shlens,Alex Krizhevsky,Jeff Dean,Ilya Sutskever和Andrea Frome。我们还要感谢汤姆杜里格和宁冶对光度失真的帮助。如果没有Chuck Rosenberg和Hartwig Adam的支持,我们的工作也不可能实现。

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文章引用于 http://tongtianta.site/paper/237
编辑 Lornatang
校准 Lornatang



    本文标题:Going Deeper With Convolutions翻译
