Chapter six

"You know...I like where I live." he was always doing that, reading my mind. "It' my home. "
I smile.The sky is seamless and blue, the snow so white my eyes burn.I shovel a handful of the fresh snow into my mouth, listen to the muffled stillness broken only by crawing of crows.I walk down the front steps, barefoot, and call for Hassan to come out and see.
a.1.without a seam
2.with no spaces or pauses between one part and the next
the ocean is seamless and blue.
2*muffle make a sound quieter or less clear.
e.g.he try to muffle the alarm clock by putting it under his pillow.
3* craw?
4*crow 乌鸦
the stillness dawn broken by crawing of crows, a little girl dragged herself to the wooden house and finally fell down at the front door.
But mostly because , as the trees froze and ice sheathed the roads, the chill between Baba and me thawed a little.
v.any covering that fits closely over something for protection.
e.g the sheath around an electric cable.
6*thaw: 融化
Every winter, districts in Kabul held a kite-fighting tournament.
I felt like a soldier trying to sleep in the trenches the night before a major battle.
9*trenches 战壕
Tense muscles readied themselves to uncoil. Necks craned. Eyes crinkled. Fights broke out. And when the last kite was cut, all hell broke loose.
10*uncoil become or make sth straight after it has been wound or twisted round in circle. uncoil a rope.
11*crane lean or stretch over sth in order to see sth better; to stretch their neck
e.g she crane her neck to get a better view of the stage.
in the final exam, many students crane their necks to get a better view of the Xueba's answer.
I hobbled after him, spikes of pain battering my scraped knees.
12* sacraped
to rub sth by accident so that it gets damged or hurt.
His saying that made me kind of sad. Sad for who Hasson was, where he lived.For how he'd accepted the fact that he'd grow old in that mud shack in the yard, the way his father did. I drew the last card,played him a pair of queens and a ten.
The author felt sorry for Hassan's destiny.So the only thing he could do is to make him happy when still accompanied.
Suddenly,I decided to ....Kind of like when we used to play insect torture.Except now, he was the ant and I was holding the magnifying glass.
Sometime, life is as small as an ant when judged by hiarchy.And there is little we can do but to enhance our ability to change our destiny.
I wish I hadn't started this conversation. I forced a smile."Don't be stupid,Hassan.You know I woudn't."
Sound familar, isn't it? Just like when betrayed by your beloved boy friend and he lied to you.So to be sober,not to be silly, just read some books, cause you can't go through if someone really mean to hurt you without a good knowledge.
It is the first time Kite shows upThe author can't even do better than Hassan, However, he is the main character, he is the one control. The author loves winter for it is time to get close to his father, how pathetic it is that two of them live together everyday but only to be intimate when it is winter. And the author gives Hassan his promise, a television to him in the future, just like a pact between two friends sharing things together.