经济学人精读 | 非洲在新一轮争夺中的机遇(3)

经济学人精读 | 非洲在新一轮争夺中的机遇(3)

作者: 经济学人精选精读 | 来源:发表于2019-03-23 21:54 被阅读0次


Second, Africa’s leaders need to think more strategically. Africa may be nearly as populous as China, but it comprises 54 countries, not one. African governments could strike better deals if they showed more unity. No one expects a heterogeneous(多样的)continent that includes both anarchic (无政府的)battle zones and prosperous democracies to be as integrated as Europe. But it can surely do better than letting China negotiate with each country individually, behind closed doors. The power imbalance between, say, China and Uganda is huge. It could be reduced somewhat with a free-trade area or if African regional blocs clubbed together. After all, the benefits of infrastructure(基础设施) projects spill across borders.

Third, African leaders do not have to choose sides, as they did during the cold war.They can do business with Western democracies and also with China and Russia—and anyone else with something to offer. Because they have more choice now than ever before, Africans should be able to drive harder bargains. And outsiders should not see this as a zero-sum contest (as the Trump administration, when it pays attention to Africa, apparently does). If China builds a bridge in Ghana, an American car can drive over it. If a British firm invests in a mobile-data network in Kenya, a Kenyan entrepreneur can use it to set up a cross-border startup.

Last, Africans should take what some of their new friends tell them with a pinch ofsalt. China argues that democracy is a Western idea; development requires afirm hand. This message no doubt appeals to African strongmen, but it is bunk(胡说). A study by Takaaki Masaki of the World Bank and Nicolas van de Walle of Cornell University found that African countries grow faster if they are more democratic. The good news is that, as education improves and Africans move rapidly to the cities, they are growing more critical of their rulers, and less frightened to say so. In 1997, 70% of African ruling parties won more than 60% of the vote, partly by getting rural chiefs to cow(胁迫) villagers into backing them.By 2015 only 50% did. As politics grows more competitive, voters’ clout will grow. And they will be able to insist on a form of globalization(全球化) that works for Africans and foreigners alike.


Part 1

Second, Africa’s leaders need to think more strategically. Africa may be nearly aspopulous as China, but it comprises 54 countries, not one. African governments could strike better deals if they showed more unity. No one expects aheterogeneous continent that includes both anarchic battle zones and prosperous democracies to be as integrated as Europe.


strategically  /strə'tidʒɪkli/  adv. 战略性地;战略上

populous/'pɑpjələs/  adj. 人口稠密的;人口多的

comprise  /kəm'praɪz/  vt. 包含;由…组成

strike/straɪk/  常见含义有“打击;罢工”,这里是熟词僻义,意思是“达成 (交易或协议)”,固定搭配:strike a deal/deals

例句:The workers were able to strike a deal with the boss over the new pay raise rules.


unity  /'junəti/  n. 团结;一致;联合;统一

heterogeneous  /'hɛtərə'dʒinɪəs/  adj.  A heterogeneous group consists of many different types of things or people. 由很多种类组成的

anarchic/ən'ɑrkɪk/  adj. 无政府的;无政府主义的

prosperous/'prɑspərəs/  adj. 繁荣的;兴旺的

integrated/'ɪntɪɡretɪd/  adj. 综合的;完整的;互相协调的

democracy  /dɪˈmɑkrəsi/   民主;民主国家;民主政体;民主制度

expect to 期望;期待做


No one expects a heterogeneous continent that includes both anarchic battle zones and prosperous democracies to be as integrated as Europe.

这句话的主干是:No one expects a heterogeneous continent to be as integrated as Europe. 用到了上面expect to的结构。中间是一个“that”引导的定语从句。定语从句用了一个短语both… and…“两者都……”

Part 2

But it can surely do better than letting China negotiate with each countryindividually, behind closed doors. The power imbalance between, say, China and Uganda is huge. It could be reduced somewhat with a free-trade area or if African regional blocs clubbed together. After all, the benefits of infrastructure projectsspill across borders.


negotiate  /nɪ'ɡoʃɪet/  v. 谈判,交涉;商议

individually  /ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəli/  adv. 个别地,单独地

imbalance  /ɪm'bæləns/  n. 不平衡;不安定

somewhat/'sʌmwʌt/  adv. 有点;多少;几分;稍微

free-trade area  自由贸易区

bloc  /'blɔk/  联盟;集团

club  /klʌb/  vi. 集资;组成俱乐部

infrastructure/'ɪnfrə'strʌktʃɚ/  n. 基础设施;公共建设

spill /spɪl/  vi. 溢出,流出;涌出


Part 3

Third, African leaders do not have to choose sides, as they did during the cold war. They can do business with Western democracies and also with China and Russia—and anyone else with something to offer. Because they have more choice now than ever before, Africans should be able to drive harder bargains.


bargain /ˈbɑrɡɪn/  n. 交易;便宜货;契约  v. 讨价还价;议价

Part 4

And outsiders should not see this as a zero-sum contest (as the Trump administration, when it pays attention to Africa, apparently does).If China builds a bridge in Ghana, an American car can drive over it. If a British firm invests in a mobile-data network in Kenya, a Kenyan entrepreneur can use it to set up a cross-border startup.


zero-sum contest 零和竞争

pay attention to   注意;重视;留心

apparently   /ə'pærəntli/  adv. 显然地;似乎,表面上

entrepreneur/ˌɑntrəprəˈnɝ/  n. 企业家;承包人;主办者

set up v.建立;树立;创立

startup  /'stɑrt'ʌp/  n. 启动;开办;初创企业

Part 5

Last, Africans should take what some of their new friends tell them with a pinch of salt. China argues that democracy is a Western idea; development requires a firm hand. This message no doubt appeals to African strongmen, but it is bunk. A study by Takaaki Masaki of the World Bank and Nicolas van de Walle of Cornell University found that African countries grow faster if they are more democratic.

中译:最后,非洲人对他们的一些新朋友说的话应该有所保留。中国坚称**是西方的理念;发展需要强力的保障。这一信息无疑对非洲政治强人很有吸引力,但这是**。世界银行的高崎雅明和康奈尔大学的Nicolas van de Walle进行的一项研究发现,如果非洲国家更加民主,它们的经济增长会更快。

with a pinch of salt 有所保留地;将信将疑地   a pinch of是“一撮;少许”的意思。

例句:Any figures coming from China must be taken with a pinch of salt.


appeal to v. 呼吁;上诉;要求;对…有吸引力


democratic/'dɛmə'krætɪk/  adj. 民主的;民主政治的;大众的

Part 6

The good news is that, as education improves and Africans move rapidly to the cities, they are growing more critical of their rulers, and less frightened to say so. In 1997, 70% of African ruling parties won more than 60% of the vote, partly by getting rural chiefs to cow villagers into backing them. By 2015 only 50% did. As politics grows more competitive, voters’ clout will grow. And they will be able to insist on a form of globalisation that works for Africans and foreigners alike.


critical /'krɪtɪkl/   adj.批评的;评论的

rural/'rʊrəl/  adj. 农村的,乡下的

chief  /tʃif/  n. 首领;酋长;主要部分  adj. 首席的;主要的  adv. 主要地;首要地

cow  /kaʊ/  n. 奶牛,母牛;vt. 威胁,恐吓

clout/klaʊt/  n.影响力;势力

globalization /,ɡləubəlai'zeiʃən/  n. 全球化



      本文标题:经济学人精读 | 非洲在新一轮争夺中的机遇(3)
