SAR: structure-activity relationship 构效关系
the relationship between the chemical structure of a molecule and its biological activity.
QSAR: quantitative structure–activity relationships
,QSAR regression models relate a set of "predictor" variables (X) to the potency of the response variable (Y), while classification QSAR models relate the predictor variables to a categorical value of the response variable.
A QSAR has the form of a mathematical model:
- Activity = f(physiochemical properties and/or structural properties) + error
IC50: half maximal inhibitory concentration 半抑制浓度(或称半抑制率)
An IC50 measurement tells us the concentration at which a drug is able to inhibit a particular biological process by 50%. For example, if compound A can inhibit 50% of the binding of a ligand to a particular receptor at a concentration of 5 nM, it would have an IC50 value of 5 nM.
EC50:半数有效浓度(对应下图),Y 轴的研究指标随浓度递增。
IC50:半数抑制浓度(对应上图),Y 轴的研究指标随浓度递减。
pIC50: the negative log of the IC50 value in molar
An IC50 of 1 µM is 10-6 M, which is pIC50 = 6.0
An IC50 of 1 nM is 10-9 M, which is pIC50 = 9.0
An IC50 of 10 nM is 10-8 M, which is pIC50 = 8.0
An IC50 of 100 nM is 10-7 M, which is pIC50 = 7.0
An IC50 of 30 nM is 3 x10-8 M, which is also 10-7.5 M, which is pIC50 = 7.5
Dose-Response/effect curve: 量效曲线