

作者: 阎凤超_财富人生教练 | 来源:发表于2019-02-16 21:50 被阅读127次



    Purpose is a unique source of energy and power. As we suggested earlier, it fuels focus, direction, passion and perseverance. To get a quick sense of the power of your own purpose, take out your pen and paper and spend a few moments answering the following three questions, using a scale of 1 to 10.


    • How excited are you to get to work in the morning?


    • How much do you enjoy what you do for its own sake rather than for what it gets you?


    • How accountable do you hold yourself to a deeply held set of values?


    If the answers to these questions total 27 or more, it suggests that you already bring a significant sense of purpose to what you do. If your answers fall below 22, you are more likely going through the motions. The issue is not so much whether your life is providing you with a sense of meaning as it is whether you are actively using life as a vehicle through which to express your deepest values. As Viktor Frankl puts it: “Ultimately, man should not ask what the meaning of his life is, but rather he must recognize that it is he who is asked. In a word, each man is questioned by life; and he can only answer to life by answering for his own life; to life he can only respond by being responsible.”

    若这个问题的总分是27或者更多,说明你具有非常清晰的目标感做事了。若总分低于22,说明你很可能走过场而已。问题不在于生活是否赋予你意义,而在于你是否主动积极地将生命作为自己深层价值观的呈现工具。正如Viktor Frankl所说,最终,人类不应该问其生命意义是什么,因为他自己才是需要回答这个问题的人。简而言之,每个人都会收到生命的问询,他只能回答自己生命中的问题,其回应只能是自己负起责任!

    我的思考My Thinking


    This is a good self-evaluation, especially the first question, “How excited are you to get to work in the morning?" I still remembered the boss of my function is fellow Singaporean told me that the could feel truly excited about going to work at morning. I thought she was fucking bragging as she is paid really generously. I can work myself to the bone for such compensations.


    The founder of the Joint Venture my company works for is already 62 years old now and no longer managing, but he is doing market visiting, providing strategic advice. I think he is still working on even not paid, aiming to make his company a century enterprise which is his purpose and mission and also the driving force to moving on.


    I used to listen to sharing from the Excellent and thought there's too much chicken soup. I found there's the simplest recipe for success behind. I can reflect on myself and practice.



