

作者: 角妈 | 来源:发表于2018-04-24 23:39 被阅读0次


Curious George (No.3,4,5,6 of stories in blue cover)





小西妈双语工程1704期128号2018-4-24(Day366) 小西妈双语工程1704期128号2018-4-24(Day366)




Played the piano for 0.5 hour  (这几天练琴的角子都是被我从钢琴凳上赶下来的...乱弹琴的话绝不允许超过半小时,哪天真的好好练了时间一定给你充裕到爽)

Free Talk

*** “Who works at night?”

M:The time is late. It will soon be an evening then night... Do you know who works at night?

B:Dad! My dad works at night, he is so busy!

M:Ok! A good answer! Does your dad work every night?

B:No, sometimes one or two day.

M:Yes, he works one or two nights a week and sometimes he has to rehearse at the other night.

B:He is a player.

M:He is a percussion player. This is his career. So you can say he is very professional!


M: And who else works at night? For example the doctors and nurses in hospital...

B:急诊室!(角子也算是有生活经验的小大人了)(Emergency Room / ER)

M:Great! Any more else?Subway driver in the cities...

B:Oh, bus driver...

M:Yes some bus drivers and subway drivers work in the middle night...

***“Which month do you like?”(交谈中才得知Lucas原来还没有英文版月份概念,哈哈)

B:I hope tomorrow is July!

M:Why?Today is April only.

B:Ok, I want to go to the September.

M:Hey,September is summer,but now April is just spring.

B:No, I think September is Autumn.

M:Maybe sometimes...I think it is between the summer and autumn.


B:I want to eat the apple.

M:A big round red apple? Please eat it directly. Why you take the knife?

B:I want to cut it...

M:You want to peel it but afraid to be cut, right?

B:Yes, it will hurt me.

M:If you take care enough, it would be ok.Anyway, when I was 7 years old as you, I didn’t touch the knife yet.

B:Here you are, please help me to...

M:To Help you peel the apple and cut it into the parts.





Goodness is the only investment that never fails.




