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Useful Docs
- MySQL Documentation
- left join,on与where区别,参考关于 MySQL LEFT JOIN 你可能需要了解的三点
- 数据筛选,参考Mysql关键字之Group By
- 查询,参考MYSQL limit用法
- 修改密码,参考Ubuntu下修改MySQL密码
- 时间戳字段自动更新时间,参考Mysql 如何设置字段自动获取当前时间
- 更新数据库字段,参考mysql alter命令
- 查看字段,参考mysql 查看字段详情
- 数据统计,参考MySQL查询count(*)、count(1)、count(field)的区别收集
- 数据库优化,参考Mysql优化之explain详解,MySQL Explain详解
- MySQL-Workbench安装,参考ubuntu16.04安装MySQL Workbench 6.3.10
- 循环插入数据,参考Mysql 循环插入10000条数据
- 远程访问,参考远程访问mysql出现Access denied for user 'root'@'的解决方法
MySQLdb - python2
- cursor()
- execute()
- fetchall()/fetchmany()/fetchone()
- commit()
pymysql - python3
Common Usage
- Select 查 (select, as, left join ... on, where, group by, order by, limit, count, sum)
SELECT task.id, task.name, task.image_num, task.status, task.create_time, IFNULL(SUM(subtask.image_label), 0), category.name, category.feature_model, category.id, IFNULL(SUM(subtask.template_label), 0) from t_template_task as task left join t_template_subtask as subtask on task.id = subtask.task_id left join t_template_category as category on task.category_id = category.id WHERE task.label_type = 1 and task.status in (%s) group by task.id order by task.id desc LIMIT %s, %s; select acc.name, subtask.id, sum(detect.bndbox_num), count(1) from t_label_account as acc, t_template_task as task, t_template_subtask as subtask, t_template_image as image, t_template_detect as detect where subtask.owner_id = acc.id and task.label_type = 2 and task.id = subtask.task_id and subtask.id = image.subtask_id and image.id = detect.image_id and detect.label_time > '2019-09-09 00:00:00' and acc.name in ('user1', 'user2') group by acc.id, subtask.id;
- Insert 增 (insert into, values)
Insert data iteratively:INSERT INTO t_template_detect(image_id, label_data) values(%s, %s);
DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS proc_initData; DELIMITER $ CREATE PROCEDURE proc_initData() BEGIN DECLARE i INT DEFAULT 6; WHILE i<=40 DO INSERT INTO t_label_account(name, password, level) VALUES(concat('user', i), '123456', 0); SET i = i+1; END WHILE; END $ CALL proc_initData();
- Update 改 (update, set, where)
UPDATE t_template_detect SET label_data = %s, label_time = %s WHERE image_id = %s;
- Delete 删 (delete from, where)
DELETE FROM t_template_repertory where id = %s;
- Alter 修改表(alter, add, drop, modify, change, rename...)
alter table t_label_image modify column label_time timestamp NULL DEFAULT ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
- Show 查看表
show create table tb_test01; #查看表结构 show table status like "tb_test01" #查看表创建信息 show columns from tb_test01; #详细查看表各字段 类型约束设置