Level 1-1-2知识点串讲 (3)

Level 1-1-2知识点串讲 (3)

作者: 慕炜菡容 | 来源:发表于2019-05-15 21:37 被阅读0次

Daily Actions

A. 温故

Daily Actions 1


Sit down./ Stand up.

Close the door./ Open the door.

Pick up the keys./ Put down the keys.


1. stand-up comedy  单口相声,独立喜剧

2. antonym ['æntənɪm] (反义词)

up → down

close → open

black → white

light (明亮的) → dark (黑暗的)

light (轻的) → heavy (重的)


3. 祈使句的否定形式



祈使句的否定形式1: Don't + 动词原形

Stop. Don't cross the road!

祈使句的否定形式2: Let's not + 动词原形

Let's not jump the queue.

B. 知新

Daily Actions 2


Go up the stairs./ Go down the stairs.

Put up your hand./ Put down your hand.

Open the book./ Close the book.


1-1. go up 向上走

Does this elevator go up?

1-2. go down  向下走

Go down this street until you come to an overpass.

2. put常见词组

(1) put on  穿上

She put on her coat and went out.

(2) put away  放好,收拾

she is putting away her doll.

(3) put down  记下,放下

Put down the keys.

I put down his address.

3. hand拓展

(1) hand in hand  手牵手

They walked away hand in hand.

(2) second-hand  旧的,二手的

(3) to give sb a hand / to lend sb a hand  帮助某人

I gave my mum a hand to clean the bathroom.

4. book 拓展

(1) read a book 看书

Lisa had been in bed reading a book.

(2) a book on / about sth  一本关于……的书

I have a book on classical music.

a book about constellation

Letters F-J

F f

F f

G g

G g

H h

H h

I i

I i

J j

J j

Numbers 11-20








                          —— 特蕾莎修女


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