2019-03-12 the envy of

2019-03-12 the envy of

作者: Alice1009 | 来源:发表于2019-03-12 20:50 被阅读0次

1. 这是个什么词?

词:the envy of

英英释义:to be something that other people admire and want to have very much

例句:France has a film industry that is the envy of Europe.

2. 为什么选这个词?

“envy”是可以是动词也可以是名词,意思都是“忌妒”。它作名词时有个常见、好用、地道的用法 the envy of,意思是“令......羡慕、望尘莫及”,of 后面一般接的是同类事物,比如其他国家、其他同类产品等。我们可以使用 the envy of 替换 admire, admirable 等词。比如,法国有令全欧洲羡慕的电影业,我们可能会写成:

France's film industry is admired throughout Europe.

我们也可以用 the envy of 来改写:

France has a film industry that is the envy of Europe.

牙买加在 100 米、200 米、400 米短跑项目上让其他国家望尘莫及,我们就可以说:

Jamaica's sprints are the envy of the world.

Justin 在一篇关于德州扑克的英文随笔中写过这么两句话:

About 350 million people have played on Zynga Poker, the largest poker site in the world. Plus, it boasts millions of daily players, the envy of most apps.

也就是说,很多同类 app 希望能够有 Zynga Poker 这样出色的日活跃用户量。

《经济学人》在 2015 年 3 月 The Economist Explains 专栏中就用到了 the envy of:

Even at its subdued current rate, China's growth is still the envy of most countries.


3. 怎样学会使用这个词?



American universities are the envy of the earth.

(参考翻译:American universities are the envy of the earth. 或 American universities are the envy of the entire world.)



These data can be analysed to measure the attractiveness of the British labour market in two ways. First, they can be used to see if members in other countries are searching for jobs in London(The most attractive British city for overseas workers). The numbers show a clear, but not catastrophic, decline in Britain’s appeal. London at the start of 2016 was the target of 15% of job hunts by workers from other countries in the EU; the proportion has since fallen to 12.6%. Rival European cities, such as Amsterdam, Paris and Berlin, have all increased their share of job searches to compensate for London’s decline. But Europeans have not been discouraged altogether from moving across the Channel.London as the most popular city for job searches is the envy of the world.



      本文标题:2019-03-12 the envy of
