How to become a better reader

How to become a better reader

作者: 万里云罗一雁飞 | 来源:发表于2022-09-07 07:06 被阅读0次

    The benefits of reading are well known to everyone everywhere and always. An old Chinese proverb says, "Through reading, you get everything you can dream of, from wealth to a wife." Frances Bacon has described the various benefits of reading different books in different manners. In the fast-changing modern world, everyone has to learn throughout his life to keep up with the development in the fields that are important for his survival and prosperity. Reading is the most economical and accessible means of study, compared to attending lectures, enrolling in courses, attending a formal school, hiring a trainer, etc. The question of how to become a better reader seems crucial.
    Before we find the million-dollar answer, we need to understand that there are two types of books: Fiction and nonfiction. The former is for pleasure or entertainment; the latter is for knowledge or know-how. Certainly, reading fiction, poetry or literature broadens one's horizons, strengthens one's character and enriches one's soul by making one a more fulfilled and better person on an esthetic journey. It can be read with pleasure, even while eating a snack, which doubles the pleasure of reading for fun.

    This article is about how to read nonfiction because nonfiction books are practically introductions, guides, or manuals about everything: skills, lessons, and knowledge about this world. Authors of nonfiction books compress their lifelong wisdom or long accumulated experience and tactics into some books to enlighten others. To become a practical, learned and wise person in a certain field quickly at a low budget, one needs to read non-fiction books frequently.

    So how can you become a better reader of non-fiction books?

    The most important thing is to apply what you have learned in the book. Read, think, and practice. That's the sure path to mastery. Reading without practising is a waste of money, time, energy and life. In other words, read only the useful books and apply what you learn immediately. This is the golden rule for reading non-fiction books.

    Secondly, read flexibly. In real life, there are many different things to read, from books, brochures, menus and manuals to advertisements, magazines, online articles and cell phone messages. We use different methods to read different things for different purposes. It's critical to be flexible. Even when reading books, you soon find that you do not have to read every book word for word from beginning to end. As Bacon's words suggest, "Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested; that is, some books are to be read only in parts; others to be read, but not curiously; and some few to be read wholly and with diligence and attention. Some books also may be read by deputy, and extracts made of them bothers".

    Third, read efficiently, that is, we must read faster and with high comprehension. To ensure this, a reader must give his full attention to the reading material with a laser-like focus. His eyes must move along the lines as quickly as possible. If a person has a very short attention span and is easily distracted, it is not a bad idea to trace the words being read to keep the eyes focused. The prerequisite for efficient reading is, of course, reading with a clear purpose. If the information is irrelevant, just skip it until you find useful information. When reading in a foreign language, good comprehension is based on adequate vocabulary and a solid command of grammar. Some background knowledge is also important.

    Last but not least, keep reading whenever possible and necessary. Make reading a part of your lifestyle. Not only will you become a better reader, but you will also become a better person who lives a better life. 



    阅读的好处众所周知,无处不在,无时不有。一句古老的中国谚语说:"书中自有黄金屋,书中自有颜如玉。" 弗朗西斯-培根以不同的方式描述了阅读不同书籍的各种好处。在瞬息万变的现代社会,每个人都必须终生学习,以跟上对其生存有重要意义领域的发展。与听讲座、报课程、上正规学校、聘请教练等相比,阅读是最便宜、最容易的学习手段。如何成为一个更好的读者,这个问题似乎至关重要。









        本文标题:How to become a better reader
