2-3 个性化消息: 将用户的姓名存到一个变量中,并向该用户显示一条消息。显示的消息应非常简单,如“Hello Eric, would you like to learn some Python today?”。
name = 'Jay'
print ('"Hello ' + name + ',' + 'would you like to learn some Python today?"')
# "Hello Jay,would you like to learn some Python today?"
2-4 调整名字的大小写: 将一个人名存储到一个变量中,再以小写、大写和首字母大写的方式显示这个人名。
name = "Kobe bryant"
print (name.lower())
print (name.upper())
print (name.title())
# kobe bryant
# Kobe Bryant
2-5 名言: 找一句你钦佩的名人说的名言,将这个名人的姓名和他的名言打印出来。输出应类似于下面这样(包括引号):Albert Einstein once said, “A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.”
print ('Kobe Bryant once said,\"I\'m chasing perfection.\"')
# Kobe Bryant once said,"I'm chasing perfection."
2-6 名言2: 重复练习2-5,但将名人的姓名存储在变量famous_person 中,再创建要显示的消息,并将其存储在变量message 中,然后打印这条消息。
famous_person = 'kobe bryant'
message = '"I\'m chasing perfection."'
print (famous_person.title() + ' once said,' + message)
# Kobe Bryant once said,"I'm chasing perfection."
2-7 剔除人名中的空白: 存储一个人名,并在其开头和末尾都包含一些空白字符。务必至少使用字符组合"\t" 和"\n" 各一次。 打印这个人名,以显示其开头和末尾的空白。然后,分别使用剔除函数lstrip() 、rstrip() 和strip() 对人名进行处理,并将结果打印出来。
name = '\n jay chou \t'
print (name)
print (name.lstrip())
print (name.rstrip())
print (name.strip())
# jay chou
# jay chou
# jay chou
# jay chou