作为一个时刻都在网上冲浪的人,别人时常都在5G的浪花里自由地翱游,而我的网络只能带我在3G的浪花里扑腾扑腾几下,学校的校园网实在是让人汗颜……好吧,言归正传(Let‘s get back to the point),重点当然是要积累表达,哈哈
表示网络可以用the internet, the connection, 也可以用the internet connection;网络信号可以用signal
The internet connection is really slow/bad.
The internet is lagging.
The connection has always been choppy.
The internet is having issues/problems.
The Wi-Fi signal is really weak.
The internet keeps dropping.
The internet is off and on.
The Wi-Fi keeps going on and out in the library. We have to switch to data.图书馆的网络老掉线,我们不得不用流量。