

作者: cbcd3b591aa3 | 来源:发表于2020-07-13 15:39 被阅读0次












    中国  苏州






    2020年7月18日晚7点 特邀VIP藏家



    Trace of Life

    FENG Xiangcheng's Abstract Art Salon and Collectors' Appreciation


    Australian Multicultural Business Council

    Australian Multi-Arts Foundation


    Art Centre of Xiangcheng FENG

    Fanrong Art Museum


    Sissi’s Back Garden Art Gallery


    Fanrong Art Museum

    56 Cultural and Creative Park, No.80, Tongyuan Road, Industrial Zone, Suzhou, China


    July 18th-28th, 2020

    Opening Reception

    7pm July 18th, 2020

    Only VIP Collectors Invited

    Public Days

    9am-5pm, July 19th-28th, 2020









    胡印夏 (主席)


    Feng Xiangcheng's "Trace of Life" Series Exhibitions


    The "Trace of Life" series are exhibitions of butterfly transformation of Mr FENG Xiangcheng's artistic creation. As an overseas artist, he has obtained a vision different from that of domestic artists and found the cultural characteristics of different regions. He recorded those different symbols with colors and lines, and felt the changes of painting brought by the spirit of all creations. He shocked the picture with natural nutrition. After a long-term exploration, he found his abstract art.

    Abstract art is a kind of philosophy. What is this philosophy? In fact, it is very simple. Our ancestors have already summed up the great philosophical thought of the theory of Yin-Yang and Five Elements: The limitless(Wuji) produces the delimited. The five elements and colors in the five elements mutually reinforce and neutralize each other to achieve the balance of colors in the limitless world and give people a kind of enjoyment of beauty. Throughout many excellent artists domestic and abroad, none of them is not the best practitioner of this theory. Mr FENG Xiangcheng is also an excellent practitioner of this theory among young artists today.

    The "Trace of Life" applies the idea of Chinese Taoism that "water“ produces everything and is the foundation of life, that is, the theory of "action through inaction", which uses symbolic colors to express all things in the world and reveals the origin of life. This feeling only exists in the artist's heart, and shows the development of trace of life with things that ordinary people can't see. It brings people the enjoyment of beauty and the feeling of deja vu. It has surpassed realism and reached a higher level in the art world.

    During a time when the contemporary abstract art system in Europe and the United States has influenced the ways and ideas of contemporary Chinese art creation, "Trace of Life" embodies the characteristics of western contemporary times, but it is more integrated with many Chinese elements and forms a unique artistic style with Chinese color symbols. Therefore, it has the value of collection all over the world.

    Finally, I sincerely hope that Mr FENG Xiangcheng will create better works in his future artistic career. I wish the series of "Trace of life" exhibition in Suzhou a complete success.

    HU Yinxia(Chairman)

    Australian Multicultural Business Council
















    About the Abstract Artworks of "Trace of Life"

    Life is everywhere and traces are left everywhere. The artist is to find the signs of life, restore the traces of seeing and thinking by painting, and constantly experience the process of life surging and the significance of existence.

    The content of this exhibition is very integrated. It is basically the artworks of one period. Here I will explain the creative ideas and power sources of these works from three aspects.

    1. Excavate inspiration from nature and let works live with life

    Observing by heart and experience the changes of nature and everything, I travel around the world, shuttling through forests, oceans and cities, and constantly memorize the shapes and colors that can impact my heart. They are synchronized with my expectations, with my life, with my telepathy, and gain power and energy from constant feelings and memories. This is the power and drive what nature gives us. I can't forget.

    2. Use the technique of painting to achieve the spiritual value of art

    A worker engaged in modern art is nothing more than to complete the mission of transmitting spirit with the knowledge and means we have learned, to balance those feelings with self art schema, to reflect that passion and state with superb and loud language. The painterliness itself has no significance, but the more important function is that you describe a kind of spirituality and unique character of oneself by the painting materials and lines, so reality is emptiness, emptiness is reality, using no way as way, finally one has the origin of heart.

    3. Achieve the free state and natural identity of artistic creation

    Free artistic creation is the result of repeated tempering. I danced with nature, naturally and freely, looking for the feeling of the unity of man and nature and finally had the feeling. The work become the state and process of my breakthrough. I constantly destroyed and reset, making my art with strong spirit of life force as the nature. Of course, this was the height of art and the extreme of ability. Every success was a rebirth of destruction. I abandoned those restrained ideas and academic regulations, and painted freely on the canvas. Many occasionalities contributed to the inevitability of the success of my works.

    Every artist has more or less the theory of self painting. Of course, I am no exception. Everytime I needed to gather half till a year's inner precipitation for my works, and then burst out at the right time. I hope deeply those traces in the paintings can really touch the viewer's meditation of life complex and dance with art.

    FENG Xiangcheng

    2020 / 6 / 12

    Before China Tour Exhibition


    Appreciation of part of the artworks

    布面油画丙烯 Oil and Acrylic on Canvas 40x50cm2 019 布面油画丙烯 Oil and Acrylic on Canvas 40x50cm 2019 布面油画丙烯 Oil and Acrylic on Canvas 45x45cm 2020 布面油画丙烯 Oil and Acrylic on Canvas 45x45cm 2020 布面油画丙烯 Oil and Acrylic on Canvas 100x80cm 2020 布面油画丙烯 Oil and Acrylic on Canvas 68x46cm 2020 布面油画丙烯 Oil and Acrylic on Canvas 40x50cm 2020 布面油画丙烯 Oil and Acrylic on Canvas 50x40cm 2020 布面油画丙烯 Oil and Acrylic on Canvas 40x50cm 2020 布面油画丙烯 Oil and Acrylic on Canvas 45x90cm 2020 布面油画丙烯 Oil and Acrylic on Canvas 68x46cm 2020 布面油画丙烯 Oil and Acrylic on Canvas 46x68cm 2020



