20190502 -oriented

20190502 -oriented

作者: chinmanjay | 来源:发表于2019-05-02 23:43 被阅读0次

1. 认识这个词(基础篇)


英英释义: designed to appeal to a certain kind of people

例句:LinkedIn is a career-oriented networking site, where you can connect with colleagues, work contacts, and potential employers, and employees.

2. 体会这个词 (进阶篇)

“oriented”可以作为形容词表示“以…为方向的”“重视…的”,它其实也经常被用作后缀表示同样的意思。这种写法可以让我们的表达更见简洁,也可以在一些语境中替换 be destined to 等类似表达。

当我们介绍一个公司或组织的核心方向、业务时就可以用得上 -oriented。比如 LinkedIn(领英)是一家职业社交网站,我们就可以这样介绍它:

LinkedIn is a career-oriented networking site, where you can connect with colleagues, work contacts, and potential employers, and employees.


The government has been promoting quality-oriented education, encouraging students to go beyond exams.

《经济学人》中也经常这样用 -oriented,比如曾在一篇讲英国商业的特别报道中就多次用到:

A more market-oriented system of higher education can do much better than the state-dominated model.(这里的 market-oriented system 和 state-dominated model 完美呼应)

The more market-oriented model of higher education that has been pioneered in the United States, and is gradually spreading to much of the rest of the world, has four big advantages over the public model.

3. 从认识到会用(作业)

1)翻译下面的句子: 抖音是以年轻人为主的短视频应用程序,它声称有 2.5 亿每日活跃用户。

Douyin is a youth-oriented short video app, claiming to boast more than 250m daily active users.

(参考翻译:Douyin is a youth-oriented short video app, claiming to boast more than 250m daily active users. )



Sephora is a female-oriented cosmetics shop, claiming to boast a large quantity of daily customers.


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      本文标题:20190502 -oriented
