1 ban 禁令 basta足够了 economist 经济学家
2 ban sb from sth impose a ban on sth 实施
3 trn trillion 万亿 as many as =up to each year = annually =per year
4 clog waterways , harm marine life ,breeding-ground 繁殖的场所 ,malaria-carrying 携带疟疾的; Mandarin-speaking 会说普通话的;mosquitoes 蚊子;test-taking techniques 考试技巧;
5 decompose 分解 , take centuries to decompose ;enough is enough 足够了;
6 plenty of =Multiple 形容词 ;some 后跟单数 some form ,叫做某种;impose levies and fees 征收;membership fee 会员费;
7 固定用法 be partly because ......;relatively low 相对较低地;waste-collection(收集率 ) ;recycling rates 回收率 ;more visible 更明显,invisible ;lobby 游说团体 ;lacks vt 缺乏;they are lobbying against the gun-free act lobby=lobbying group ;;smoking-free禁止吸烟;duty-free store ;
8 patchwork 拼凑 ;loopholes 漏洞;regulate 监管;regulator =regulatory body=watchdog 监管机构;
9 like|say ,—— ;manufacture (大量生产),distribution(分布),disposal(dispose,处理) ,disruption =destruction (中断打乱,摧毁破坏)
10 charge sb 向某人收费,till(收银台)=checkout counter ;stop export 禁止出口;import 进口 ;
11 plastic foes 反对者;prudent 谨慎的;cotton bag 棉带;throwaway 一次性的 =disposable;