
作者: 雅慧sisi | 来源:发表于2019-01-07 14:45 被阅读7次


    原创: Sadhguru Isha 前天


    Question: Namaskaram, Sadhguru. My mom and dad always say that I am too simple and pure, so, as if it’s a bad thing, so my question is... do I need to become cunning so that I can survive in the world? Thank you.


    Sadhguru: (Laughs) Oh pure, okay. So do I have to be cunning to survive in the world? Depends what kind of profession you want to choose (Laughter). There are some kind of unfortunate activities in the world where you have to be super cunning, otherwise you won’t make it there. These are unfortunate realities in our societies that there are places where you have to be a crook to exist there. Well, not everybody need to get there. And even if you get there, there is a way even to transform that. But first of all, there is no need to get there if you don’t wish to. Unless you go there with the intention of transforming, you don’t have to get into those kind of things. There is a whole lot of other things you can manage with your purity. Tch. If you come to a place like this, it’ll be immensely valued. In some other places, they may look at you with little compassion. But anyway, what is purity? Let’s come to this.


    What is purity? See, this pure and impure, virtue and sin, good and bad, god and devil – is things that people have created. It is just that maybe... I don’t know how they said it in the Chinese language, in English language probably it’s coming out as the word pure. Pure means uncontaminated. Well, is life contaminated? Never. Life is never contaminated. Is mind pure? Never. Nobody’s mind is pure because there is no filter to what you take into your mind. Whatever you see, hear, smell, taste, and touch, everything gets into the mind. There’s no choice. “This must go into my mind, this mus... this must not go into my mind”, there’s no such thing - everything gets into the mind. There is a discretion or there is a choice, as to what aspect of my mind will I use and employ. What I’ll ignore and what I will use – that choice we have.


    But is there a pure mind somewhere? No, there’s no such thing. Even a child is crooked. Yes, even a six-month-old baby, you do something that he doesn’t like, he wants to bite you, heehhh (Gestures), he’ll do (Laughter/Applause). Yes or no? Will he do or not? He does. Or he’ll bawl – he’ll make your life miserable one way or the other (Few Laugh). So, there is no pure mind. There is no absolutely pure body either. But life – perfectly pure, isn't it? Now the question is only, if you’re totally identified with the body, you’ll behave one way. If you’re totally identified with your psychological structure, you’ll behave another way. If you’re identified with the life that you are, in a completely different way. That’s all the choice you have. So pure mind, impure mind – there’s no such thing.


    Maybe, what they are trying to see... say is, you’re too innocent for the world, tch. Well, I… I have kind of removed that word “innocence” from my vocabulary. I just see, either you know something, or you don’t know something. Or you know everything that can be known, but still you employ only what you think is relevant, rest you don’t employ. I don’t want to celebrate ignorance by calling it by a grand name called innocence or purity – it’s essentially ignorance. “I'm not able to operate in the world,” does not qualify me for purity, just qual... qualifies me as incompetent. Well, when people are smothered by the world, simply because they did not know how to be there, then we feel... tch, we feel bad in those situations, because we see this human being should have been in a better place. They shouldn’t have fallen into the market place, they shouldn’t have been in a war zone. To survive in a war zone, to survive in a market place, you need to be different kind. Somebody did not have the wherewithal for those things – they just walked in and got smothered by it, we feel bad for that life that this happened. But it’s not purity. I don’t give grand names for ignorance. It’s ignorance of various kinds.


    Some levels of ignorance, or some types of ignorance are celebrated in the world, which I don’t. For me, ignorance is ignorance. But, knowing everything and staying above it, takes a certain amount of sadhana, wisdom, intelligence. Otherwise, people get mired in the content of their mind. So the only choice is this – either you learn how to stay above the mind, or you keep your mind uninformed about everything in the world and become un… incompetent. And maybe you’ll get the title “pure”. But purity that doesn’t work, purity that cannot transform the atmospheres we are in, purity that cannot transform me, and the purity that cannot transform what’s around me, is of no consequence. For me, you know all the filth in the world, but you never allowed that filth to become a part of you – for me that is purity. “I don’t know there is filth in the world” – this is not purity, this is ignorance for me. And this is not going to bode well for anybody. You are best - you must be in a protected atmosphere. Yoga center is a good place, but here also there are some people (Laughter). We’ve kept them just for quality control (Laughter/Applause). You may become too lax, otherwise.


    Right now, even if there is a... a bunch of ants, you will look and step over. You become alert, only because even though they are so small, they can cause you lot of pain (Laughs). Yes or no? Lot of pain. Have you ever gone and stood on a red ant? Tch, their city. Hmm? Did you? Oh! If they get right up till here (Gestures) (Few Laugh), you don’t know what it is (Laughs). It’s happened to me many times. Sleeping in the forest, they’ll crawl up your pants, and you’re finished (Laughter). So being innocent that these ants will bite you is not a good thing. You must know these ants bite you. You must know the tiger can eat you. But, even though the tiger can eat you, you are smart enough to get onto the tree and when the tiger comes, you enjoy the beauty of the tiger – this is purity. You don’t know tiger can eat you, and you go and do this (Gestures) (Laughter/Applause). No, that’s not purity for me. Tch, so what is pure and impure is essentially individual people’s idea. Some people make certain things pure, certain other things impure. Certain other people think that is pure, and this is not pure. People who live a certain kind of life, look at various things as impure, because they… they are not looking at life as life. They are looking at life through the lens of their morality. So in this, purity and impurity comes. If you simply look at life the way it is, and handle it the way it needs to be handled, at the same time, you are nowhere entangled with anything. You are in the body, but above it. You have a mind, but it never is a trap for you.


    Your faculties – this body, this mind and the many things they can do. These are your faculties. Your faculties should not be a trap, but for most human beings, it has become a trap. Because of that, if somebody seems to be ignorant of many things which makes a human being little devious, then we… somebody says they are pure. No, life will get to them, shortly. It will. How long will you live in protected atmospheres? Somewhere it will... it’ll get to you. And it (it’s?) better it gets to you sooner than later. See (Laughs), I’m... “No, nothing bad should ever get to you” (Laughter). No, I am not saying bad things should happen to you. But you must know it happens every day to somebody, isn't it? So this purity can make you totally inhuman, because you don’t know these things can happen to people. No, you know the most horrible things can happen to people, but still, you stay above it; though you are conscious of a million things that are going wr... wrong right now, you’re still joyful – this is purity. You don’t know anything, and you are giggling – that is not purity for me. So, a whole lot of people... We know, we’ve been in the universities for the whole month (Laughs), not with the academics, mostly with the students. Even I heard, you were all roaring, I don’t know what came on the screen (Laughs).  


    So, scholars – when somebody becomes a scholar, usually in the universities, there are research scholars who remain students for eight - ten years or fifteen years, sometimes. Those who went into the comfort of a university, where it’s very low cost accommodation, low cost food, everything is good, and you can bull around as much as you want, and everything sounds intellectual, no matter what the hell you say (Laughter). (Sounds like – Because?) depending upon the type of subject you’ve taken, you’ve learnt… picked up a few words, and throw them around, that makes you a scholar. Scholars... This happened. This really happened (Laughter). A very well-known scholar went to a yogi, tch, in the Himalayan region. The yogi was staying in a small cave with just one assistant. So the scholar had heard from somebody, this yogi is very... tch, yogi, mystic, this, this, this whatever he is.


    So he went there, and first of all, he introduced himself and he said, you know, all this studies he has made, and the knowledge he has. But now, he wants to know something about the self-knowledge. So the yogi was about to tell him something, he again went into this thing – how many things he has learned, and all the big things he has done, how many PhDs he’s got, and the works. Yogi waited for all these things to be over, by then it started raining outside. He waited for him to finish everything. He just heard him through. When everything was done, “Can you tell me something? Can you teach me something?” The yogi said, “Of course.” “Teach me something.” Yogi said, “Go stand outside in the rain. Hold both your hands up like this (Gestures) and stand”. Please all of you, do this. It’s not raining though (Laughter). Like this (Gestures), the scholar stood… (Talks aside: Stay like that, hmm?), the scholar stood like this outside in the rain. He said, “Stand like that for two hours.” (Talks aside: What happened? What happened to your hands?) (Laughter), Even if you are not a scholar, I wa (Laughter)...


    So he stayed like that for two hours in the rain. He thought maybe he’s supposed to catch rain water, he did like this (Gestures), but it didn’t stay. Then he thought maybe it’s just to cool his brain, which is over-worked. So many things he thought, but it went on and on – two hours. Nothing really happened. Then he came in, two hours are up, yogi said, “Come in.” He came in. So yogi asked, “What happened?” He said, “Nothing happened! I felt like an idiot” (Laughter). He... he said… The yogi said, “That’s an excellent beginning” (Laughter/Applause). If a scholar realizes that he’s an idiot, excellent beginning or no (Laughs)?




