[Art of Teaching] 3. Planning 计划

[Art of Teaching] 3. Planning 计划

作者: 蘑梦达国际留学官方 | 来源:发表于2020-03-24 22:51 被阅读0次

Think about the end of the class before the class

        1. devote the class time only to the course

        planning vs uncertainty

        script vs deviation

        2. don't make the schedule too tight: if there's something happens nearby, e.g. new president (for history class), new exhibition (for art history class), remember to make time to mention it. (unforeseen learning opportunities & difficulties)

        3. cover less material and cover it better!!! (anticipate what the students may not know, and spend more time; become a student again, take a course where you're not familiar with? Teachers should learn! Empathize a student who is struggling.)

        4. what to plan: knowledge? approach? combination (more commonly)?

            make course goals ≭ list the points to teach


        1. write down the general objectives, break them down into small units, sequence the materials (really important, e.g. whether the class depends on another previous course)

!!!!Make the students know the framework!!!!!

I want the students to know the things I taught

        1. don't be afraid of repetition; everyone benefits

        2. students learn most at the beginning and the end of the class 

            summary after class

            grasp the students' attention at the beginning of the class, e.g. anecdotes, create anxiety

Hand out syllabus 

        1. papers to write, homework, due dates, exam dates - made really clear

        2. cut down the ambiguities

        3. sequence the materials logically


        1. evaluate the students & yourself meanwhile



      本文标题:[Art of Teaching] 3. Planning 计划
