

作者: LittleMagic | 来源:发表于2020-06-10 21:55 被阅读0次


    以下是今天为公司小伙伴们做的ClickHouse技术分享的讲义。由于PPT太难做了,索性直接用Markdown来写,搭配Chrome上的Markdown Preview Plus插件来渲染,效果非常好。

    以下全文奉上,浓缩的都是精华,包含之前写过的两篇文章《物化视图简介与ClickHouse中的应用示例》《ClickHouse Better Practices》中的全部内容,另外也包含一些新内容,如:

    • ClickHouse聚合函数的combinator后缀
    • 分布式join/in的读放大和GLOBAL关键字
    • ClickHouse SQL缺乏开窗分析函数的解决方案
      • 示例:排名榜和同比、环比计算
      • 以及array join的用法
    • LowCardinality数据类型
    • MergeTree索引结构



    Advanced Usage & Better Practice of ClickHouse

    Part I - Materialized View


    • Materialized view (MV): A copy (persistent storage) of query result set

    • MVs ≠ normal views, but ≈ tables

    • Space trade-off for time

    • Exists in various DBMSs (Oracle/SQL Server/PostgreSQL/...)

    • MV in ClickHouse = Precomputation + Incremental refreshing + Explicit data cache

    • Usage: Relieve from frequent & patterned aggregating queries


    • MaterializedView: Implicit

    • (Replicated)AggregatingMergeTree: Do auto aggregation upon insertion according to user-defined logic

    • Distributed: Just like distributed tables before


    • Best-selling merchandise points: PV/UV/first visiting time/last visiting time


    CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW IF NOT EXISTS dw.merchandise_point_pvuv_agg
    ON CLUSTER sht_ck_cluster_1
    ENGINE = ReplicatedAggregatingMergeTree('/clickhouse/tables/{shard}/dw/merchandise_point_pvuv_agg','{replica}')
    PARTITION BY ts_date
    ORDER BY (ts_date,site_id,point_index,merchandise_id)
    SETTINGS index_granularity = 8192
      sumState(1) AS pv,
      uniqState(user_id) AS uv,
      maxState(ts_date_time) AS last_time,
      minState(ts_date_time) AS first_time
    FROM ods.analytics_access_log
    WHERE event_type = 'shtOpenGoodsDetail'
    AND active_id = 0
    AND site_id >= 0 AND merchandise_id >= 0 AND point_index >= 0
    GROUP BY ts_date,site_id,site_name,point_index,merchandise_id,merchandise_abbr;
    • MVs can have partition keys, order (primary) keys and setting parameters (again, like tables)

    • The POPULATE keyword:

      • Without POPULATE = Only compute the data inserted to the table after MV creation

      • With POPULATE = Compute all history data while creating the MV, but ignore new data ingested during this period

    • sum/uniq/max/minState() ???

    Under the Hood

    Distributed MV

    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS dw.merchandise_point_pvuv_agg_all
    ON CLUSTER sht_ck_cluster_1
    AS dw.merchandise_point_pvuv_agg
    ENGINE = Distributed(sht_ck_cluster_1,dw,merchandise_point_pvuv_agg,rand());


      sumMerge(pv) AS pv,
      uniqMerge(uv) AS uv,
      maxMerge(last_time) AS last_time,
      minMerge(first_time) AS first_time,
      arrayStringConcat(groupUniqArray(site_name),'|') AS site_names
    FROM dw.merchandise_point_pvuv_agg_all
    WHERE ts_date = today()
    AND site_id IN (10030,10031,10036,10037,10038)
    AND point_index = 2
    GROUP BY merchandise_id,merchandise_abbr


    • sum/uniq/max/minMerge() ???

    Part II - Aggregate Function Combinators


    • Do not return the aggregation result directly, but keeps an intermediate result (a "state") of the aggregating process

    • e.g. uniqState() keeps the hash table for cardinality approximation

    • Aggregate functions combined with -State will produce a column of type AggregateFunction(func,type)

    • AggregateFunction columns cannot be queried directly



    • Aggregate the intermediate results and gives out the final value

    • A variant '-MergeState', aggregates intermediate results to a new intermediate result (But what's the point?)


    • Conditional aggregation

    • Perform multi-condition processing within one statement

      sumIf(quantity, merchandise_abbr LIKE '%苹果%') AS apple_quantity,
      countIf(toStartOfHour(ts_date_time) = '2020-06-09 20:00:00') AS eight_oclock_sub_order_num,
      maxIf(quantity * price, coupon_money > 0) AS couponed_max_gmv
    FROM ods.ms_order_done
    WHERE ts_date = toDate('2020-06-09');
    │           1365 │                      19979 │           318000 │


    • Array aggregation
    SELECT avgArray([33, 44, 99, 110, 220]);
    ┌─avgArray([33, 44, 99, 110, 220])─┐
    │                            101.2 │


    • Array aggregation by indexes (position)
    SELECT sumForEach(arr)
    FROM (
      SELECT 1 AS id, [3, 6, 12] AS arr
      SELECT 2 AS id, [7, 14, 7, 5] AS arr
    │ [10,20,19,5]    │

    Part III - Using JOIN Correctly

    Only consider 2-table equi-joins

    Use IN When Possible

    • Prefer IN over JOIN when we only want to fetch data from the left table
    SELECT sec_category_name,count()
    FROM ods.analytics_access_log
    WHERE ts_date = today() - 1
    AND site_name like '长沙%'
    AND merchandise_id IN (
      SELECT merchandise_id
      FROM ods.ms_order_done
      WHERE price > 10000
    GROUP BY sec_category_name;

    Put Small Table at Right

    • ClickHouse will utilize hash-join algorithm whenever memory is enough
    • Right table is always treated as build table (resides in memory), while left table is always treated as probe table

    • Convert to merge-join on disk when running out of memory (not as efficient as hash-join)

    No Predicate Pushdown

    • Predicate pushdown is a common query optimization approach. e.g. in MySQL:
    SELECT l.col1,r.col2 FROM left_table l
    INNER JOIN right_table r ON l.key = r.key
    WHERE l.col3 > 123 AND r.col4 = '...';
    • The WHERE predicates will be executed early during scan phase, thus reducing data size in join phase

    • But ClickHouse optimizer is fairly weak and has no support for this. We should manually put the predicates "inside"

    SELECT l.col1,r.col2 FROM (
      SELECT col1,key FROM left_table
      WHERE col3 > 123
    ) l INNER JOIN (
      SELECT col2,key FROM right_table
      WHERE col4 = '...'
    ) r ON l.key = r.key;

    Distributed JOIN/IN with GLOBAL

    • When joining or doing IN on two distributed tables/MVs, the GLOBAL keyword is crucial
    FROM (
        sumMerge(pv) AS pv,
        uniqMerge(uv) AS uv
      FROM dw.merchandise_point_pvuv_agg_all  -- Distributed
      WHERE ts_date = today()
      AND site_id IN (10030,10031,10036,10037,10038)
      AND point_index = 1
      GROUP BY merchandise_id,merchandise_abbr
    ) t1
        sumMerge(total_quantity) AS total_quantity,
        sumMerge(total_gmv) AS total_gmv
      FROM dw.merchandise_gmv_agg_all  -- Distributed
      WHERE ts_date = today()
      AND site_id IN (10030,10031,10036,10037,10038)
      GROUP BY merchandise_id
    ) t2
    ON t1.merchandise_id = t2.merchandise_id;
    • Distributed joining without GLOBAL
    • Causes read amplification: Right table will be read M*N times (or N2 when shards are equal), very wasteful

    • Distributed joining with GLOBAL is all right with an intermediate cache of right table


    • Special. Not related to table joining, but arrays

    • Used to convert a row of an array to multiple rows with extra column(s)

    • Seems like LATERAL VIEW EXPLODE in Hive?

    • An example in the next section

    Part IV - Alternative to Windowed Analytical Functions


    • ClickHouse lacks basic windowed analytical functions, such as (in Hive):
    row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY col1 ORDER BY col2)
    rank() OVER (PARTITION BY col1 ORDER BY col2)
    dense_rank() OVER (PARTITION BY col1 ORDER BY col2)
    lag(col,num) OVER (PARTITION BY col1 ORDER BY col2)
    lead(col,num) OVER (PARTITION BY col1 ORDER BY col2)
    • Any other way around?


    • arrayEnumerate(): Returns index array [1, 2, 3, …, length(array)]
    SELECT arrayEnumerate([99, 88, 77, 66, 88, 99, 88, 55]);
    ┌─arrayEnumerate([99, 88, 77, 66, 88, 99, 88, 55])─┐
    │ [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]                                │
    • arrayEnumerateDense(): Returns an array of the same size as the source array, indicating where each element first appears in the source array
    SELECT arrayEnumerateDense([99, 88, 77, 66, 88, 99, 88, 55]);
    ┌─arrayEnumerateDense([99, 88, 77, 66, 88, 99, 88, 55])─┐
    │ [1,2,3,4,2,1,2,5]                                     │
    • arrayEnumerateUniq(): Returns an array the same size as the source array, indicating for each element what its position is among elements with the same value
    SELECT arrayEnumerateUniq([99, 88, 77, 66, 88, 99, 88, 55]);
    ┌─arrayEnumerateUniq([99, 88, 77, 66, 88, 99, 88, 55])─┐
    │ [1,1,1,1,2,2,3,1]                                    │

    Ranking List

    • When the array is ordered, arrayEnumerate() = row_number(), arrayEnumerateDense() = dense_rank()

    • Pay attention to the usage of ARRAY JOIN --- it 'flattens' the result of arrays into human-readable columns

    SELECT main_site_id,merchandise_id,gmv,row_number,dense_rank
    FROM (
      SELECT main_site_id,
        groupArray(merchandise_id) AS merchandise_arr,
        groupArray(gmv) AS gmv_arr,
        arrayEnumerate(gmv_arr) AS gmv_row_number_arr,
        arrayEnumerateDense(gmv_arr) AS gmv_dense_rank_arr
      FROM (
        SELECT main_site_id,
          sum(price * quantity) AS gmv
        FROM ods.ms_order_done
        WHERE ts_date = toDate('2020-06-01')
        GROUP BY main_site_id,merchandise_id
        ORDER BY gmv DESC
      GROUP BY main_site_id
      merchandise_arr AS merchandise_id,
      gmv_arr AS gmv,
      gmv_row_number_arr AS row_number,
      gmv_dense_rank_arr AS dense_rank
    ORDER BY main_site_id ASC,row_number ASC;
    │          162 │         379263 │ 136740 │          1 │          1 │
    │          162 │         360845 │  63600 │          2 │          2 │
    │          162 │         400103 │  54110 │          3 │          3 │
    │          162 │         404763 │  52440 │          4 │          4 │
    │          162 │          93214 │  46230 │          5 │          5 │
    │          162 │         304336 │  45770 │          6 │          6 │
    │          162 │         392607 │  45540 │          7 │          7 │
    │          162 │         182121 │  45088 │          8 │          8 │
    │          162 │         383729 │  44550 │          9 │          9 │
    │          162 │         404698 │  43750 │         10 │         10 │
    │          162 │         102725 │  33284 │         11 │         11 │
    │          162 │         404161 │  29700 │         12 │         12 │
    │          162 │         391821 │  28160 │         13 │         13 │
    │          162 │         339499 │  26069 │         14 │         14 │
    │          162 │         404548 │  25600 │         15 │         15 │
    │          162 │         167303 │  25520 │         16 │         16 │
    │          162 │         209754 │  23940 │         17 │         17 │
    │          162 │         317795 │  22950 │         18 │         18 │
    │          162 │         404158 │  21780 │         19 │         19 │
    │          162 │         326096 │  21540 │         20 │         20 │
    │          162 │         404493 │  20950 │         21 │         21 │
    │          162 │         389508 │  20790 │         22 │         22 │
    │          162 │         301524 │  19900 │         23 │         23 │
    │          162 │         404506 │  19900 │         24 │         23 │
    │          162 │         404160 │  18130 │         25 │         24 │
    • Use WHERE row_number <= N/dense_rank <= N to extract grouped top-N


    • neighbor() is actually the combination of lag & lead
    -- offset > 0 = lead
    -- offset < 0 = lag
    -- default_value is used when the offset is out of bound

    Baseline (YoY/MoM)

    • “同比”—— YoY (year-over-year) rate = {value[month,year] - value[month,year - 1]} / value[month,year - 1]

    • “环比”—— MoM (month-over-month) rate = {value[month] - value[month - 1]} / value[month - 1]

    • Let's make up some fake data and test it over

    WITH toDate('2019-01-01') AS start_date
      toStartOfMonth(start_date + number * 32) AS dt,
      rand(number) AS val,
      neighbor(val,-12) AS prev_year_val,
      neighbor(val,-1) AS prev_month_val,
      if (prev_year_val = 0,-32768,round((val - prev_year_val) / prev_year_val, 4) * 100) AS yoy_percent,
      if (prev_month_val = 0,-32768,round((val - prev_month_val) / prev_month_val, 4) * 100) AS mom_percent
    FROM numbers(18);
    │ 2019-01-01 │  344308231 │             0 │              0 │      -32768 │              -32768 │
    │ 2019-02-01 │ 2125630486 │             0 │      344308231 │      -32768 │              517.36 │
    │ 2019-03-01 │  799858939 │             0 │     2125630486 │      -32768 │ -62.370000000000005 │
    │ 2019-04-01 │ 1899653667 │             0 │      799858939 │      -32768 │               137.5 │
    │ 2019-05-01 │ 3073278541 │             0 │     1899653667 │      -32768 │               61.78 │
    │ 2019-06-01 │  882031881 │             0 │     3073278541 │      -32768 │               -71.3 │
    │ 2019-07-01 │ 3888311917 │             0 │      882031881 │      -32768 │              340.84 │
    │ 2019-08-01 │ 3791703268 │             0 │     3888311917 │      -32768 │               -2.48 │
    │ 2019-09-01 │ 3472517572 │             0 │     3791703268 │      -32768 │               -8.42 │
    │ 2019-10-01 │ 1010491656 │             0 │     3472517572 │      -32768 │  -70.89999999999999 │
    │ 2019-11-01 │ 2841992923 │             0 │     1010491656 │      -32768 │              181.25 │
    │ 2019-12-01 │ 1783039500 │             0 │     2841992923 │      -32768 │              -37.26 │
    │ 2020-01-01 │ 2724427263 │     344308231 │     1783039500 │      691.28 │  52.800000000000004 │
    │ 2020-02-01 │ 2472851287 │    2125630486 │     2724427263 │       16.33 │  -9.229999999999999 │
    │ 2020-03-01 │ 1699617807 │     799858939 │     2472851287 │      112.49 │ -31.269999999999996 │
    │ 2020-04-01 │  873033696 │    1899653667 │     1699617807 │      -54.04 │              -48.63 │
    │ 2020-05-01 │ 3524933462 │    3073278541 │      873033696 │        14.7 │              303.76 │
    │ 2020-06-01 │   85437434 │     882031881 │     3524933462 │      -90.31 │              -97.58 │

    Part V - More on Data Types


    • Do not use String for Date/DateTime (other types also fit for this rule)

      • ClickHouse is strongly typed, no implicit conversions

      • All-String tables (as in Hive) do not agree with ClickHouse

    • Do not use Int-type timestamp for Date/DateTime

      • Date: Stored as the date difference to 1970-01-01

      • DateTime: Stored directly as timestamp (fast)

    • Very flexible date/time functions


    • ClickHouse doesn't provide NULL by default, but if you want to...
    merchandise_id Nullable(Int64)
    • But try to stay away from Nullable

      • Need a separate mark file for NULLs

      • Nullable columns cannot be indexed

    • Default value itself can indicate NULL (0 for Int, '' for String, etc.), or explicitly define it when creating tables

    merchandise_id Int64 DEFAULT -1


    • ClickHouse applies dictionary coding to LowCardinality columns. Operating with such kind of data significantly increases performance of SELECT queries for many applications

    • LowCardinality is almost always used together with less diversified String columns (cardinality < 10000)

    -- event_type in access logs is quite suitable
    event_type LowCardinality(String)

    Arrays & Higher-order Functions [TBD]

    • TBD...

    Part VI - MergeTree Indices & Table Settings

    Index Structure

    • Not B-Tree style, but rather like Kafka log indices (sparse)

    • .bin (data), .mrk (index marker) files for each column on disks

    • primary.idx stores the indexed data according to index granularity

    Index Settings

    • Must include those columns which occur frequently as predicates (in WHERE clause)

    • Date/DateTime columns come first (when partitioning with date/time)

    • Very distinctive columns are not suitable for indexing

    • Do not use too many columns, also do not change index_granularity = 8192 setting when everything's fine

    Table TTL

    • Determines the lifetime of rows, thus enabling auto expiration of history data

    • When creating a table

    ORDER BY (...)
    TTL ts_date + INTERVAL 6 MONTH
    • Or modify an existing table (only affects the data inserted after modification)
    ALTER TABLE ods.analytics_access_log ON CLUSTER sht_ck_cluster_1
    • The settings parameter for TTL-ed part merging frequency
    SETTINGS merge_with_ttl_timeout = 86400  -- 1 day


    • ClickHouse utilizes ZooKeeper as: Coordination service + Mini log service + Metadata storage

    • Quite heavy, so try to keep ZooKeeper cluster happy

    autopurge.purgeInterval = 1
    autopurge.snapRetainCount = 5
    • Also, replicated tables can store the headers of the data parts compactly using a single znode by defining:
    SETTINGS use_minimalistic_part_header_in_zookeeper = 1

    Review CREATE TABLE statement

    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ods.analytics_access_log
    ON CLUSTER sht_ck_cluster_1 (
      ts_date Date,
      ts_date_time DateTime,
      user_id Int64,
      event_type String,
      column_type String,
      groupon_id Int64,
      site_id Int64,
      site_name String,
      -- ...
    ENGINE = ReplicatedMergeTree('/clickhouse/tables/{shard}/ods/analytics_access_log','{replica}')
    PARTITION BY ts_date
    ORDER BY (ts_date,toStartOfHour(ts_date_time),main_site_id,site_id,event_type,column_type)
    TTL ts_date + INTERVAL 6 MONTH
    SETTINGS index_granularity = 8192,
    use_minimalistic_part_header_in_zookeeper = 1,
    merge_with_ttl_timeout = 86400;

    The End




