

作者: LittleMagic | 来源:发表于2020-07-17 21:52 被阅读0次

    今天用半小时为小伙伴们简单分享了Flink Streaming中窗口的一些基础扩展用法(增量聚合、触发器和双流join),将Markdown版讲义贴在下面。

    Introducing Apache Flink - Part 3

    Extended Usage of DataStream Windowing

    Section A - Revision

    Time Characteristics

    StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
    env.setStreamTimeCharacteristic(TimeCharacteristic.ProcessingTime); // EventTime / IngestionTime

    Event Time & Watermarking

    • A watermark containing timestamp T declares that all data with event time t <= T have arrived
    DataStream<OrderDoneLogRecord> watermarkedStream = recordStream
      .assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(  // AssignerWith[Periodic / Punctuated]Watermarks
        // This provides a certain tolerance interval for out-of-ordering
        new BoundedOutOfOrdernessTimestampExtractor<OrderDoneLogRecord>(Time.seconds(10)) {
          public long extractTimestamp(OrderDoneLogRecord element) {
            return element.getTs();

    Windowing Basics

    • Windows split the unbounded stream into bounded 'buckets' of finite size, over which users can apply computations
    • 3 types [Tumbling / Sliding / Session] with 2 time characteristics [Processing time / Event time]
    • Keyed windows are more common in real-world applications
    KeyedStream<OrderDoneLogRecord, Tuple> siteKeyedStream = watermarkedStream
      .keyBy("siteId", "siteName");
    WindowedStream<OrderDoneLogRecord, Tuple, TimeWindow> siteWindowedStream = siteKeyedStream
      .window(SlidingEventTimeWindows.of(Time.seconds(10), Time.seconds(5)));

    Section B - Window Aggregation

    • Aggregation is the most generalized use case for keyed stream windowing
    • (e.g. Calculate buyer count & GMV grouping by sites)
    • Core API: WindowedStream.aggregate(AggregateFunction, WindowFunction)


    • 3 type parameters:
      • IN (input data)
      • ACC (accumulator)
      • OUT (output result)
    • 4 methods to implement:
      • createAccumulator()
      • add() (adds an input record to the accumulator instance)
      • getResult()
      • merge() (merges two accumulator instances into one)
    • Accumulator & result instances are both simple POJOs
    public class BuyerAndGmvAccumulator {
      private Set<Long> buyerIds;
      private long gmv;
      public BuyerAndGmvAccumulator() {
        buyerIds = new HashSet<>();
        gmv = 0;
      public void addGmv(long gmv) { this.gmv += gmv; }
      public void addBuyerId(long buyerId) { this.buyerIds.add(buyerId); }
      public void addBuyerIds(Collection<Long> buyerIds) { this.buyerIds.addAll(buyerIds); }
    public class BuyerAndGmvResult {
      private long siteId;
      private String siteName;
      private long buyerCount;
      private long gmv;
      private long windowStartTs;
      private long windowEndTs;
    • Let's fill in some blanks...
    private static class BuyerAndGmvAggregateFunc
      implements AggregateFunction<OrderDoneLogRecord, BuyerAndGmvAccumulator, BuyerAndGmvResult> {
      public BuyerAndGmvAccumulator createAccumulator() {
        return new BuyerAndGmvAccumulator();
      public BuyerAndGmvAccumulator add(OrderDoneLogRecord record, BuyerAndGmvAccumulator acc) {
        acc.addGmv(record.getQuantity() * record.getMerchandisePrice());
        return acc;
      public BuyerAndGmvResult getResult(BuyerAndGmvAccumulator acc) {
        BuyerAndGmvResult result = new BuyerAndGmvResult();
        return result;
      public BuyerAndGmvAccumulator merge(BuyerAndGmvAccumulator acc1, BuyerAndGmvAccumulator acc2) {
        return acc1;


    • The result of AggregateFunction doesn't seem to have any 'metadata' about the window
    • Calls for a WindowFunction, which needs 4 type parameters:
      • IN (input data)
      • OUT (output result)
      • KEY (type of key, depending on the KeySelector, mostly it is a Tuple)
      • W (type of window, mostly it is a TimeWindow)
    • Only 1 method apply() to implement
    private static class BuyerAndGmvResultWindowFunc
      implements WindowFunction<BuyerAndGmvResult, BuyerAndGmvResult, Tuple, TimeWindow> {
      public void apply(
        Tuple keys,
        TimeWindow window,
        Iterable<BuyerAndGmvResult> agg,
        Collector<BuyerAndGmvResult> out
      ) throws Exception {
        // Fetch the result produced by AggregateFunction above
        BuyerAndGmvResult result = agg.iterator().next();
        // Explicit conversions here
        result.setSiteId(((Tuple2<Long, String>) keys).f0);
        result.setSiteName(((Tuple2<Long, String>) keys).f1);
        // Get window borders
        result.setWindowStartTs(window.getStart() / 1000);
        result.setWindowEndTs(window.getEnd() / 1000);
        // Emit the 'true' result

    Do Aggregation

    DataStream<BuyerAndGmvResult> gmvResultStream = siteWindowedStream
      .aggregate(new BuyerAndGmvAggregateFunc(), new BuyerAndGmvResultWindowFunc());
    • Records flow into AggregateFunction and are computed incrementally, thus keeping the result instance only
    • If we use WindowFunction alone, all records will be kept in memory until evaluation
    • When the window fires, the result of AggregateFunction is provided to WindowFunction
    • The result stream can be keyed or processed (e.g. with a ProcessFunction) afterwards
    private static class GmvTopProcessFunc
      extends KeyedProcessFunction<Tuple, BuyerAndGmvResult, String> {
      private final int topN;
      private PriorityQueue<BuyerAndGmvResult> minHeap;
      public GmvTopProcessFunc(int topN) {
        this.topN = topN;
      public void open(Configuration parameters) throws Exception {
        minHeap = new PriorityQueue<>(topN, Comparator.comparingLong(BuyerAndGmvResult::getGmv));
      public void close() throws Exception {
      public void processElement(BuyerAndGmvResult value, Context ctx, Collector<String> out) throws Exception {
        if (minHeap.size() < topN) {
        } else if (minHeap.peek().getGmv() >= value.getGmv()) {
        ctx.timerService().registerEventTimeTimer(value.getWindowEndTs() + 1);
      public void onTimer(long timestamp, OnTimerContext ctx, Collector<String> out) throws Exception {
        List<BuyerAndGmvResult> ranking = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int k = 0; k < topN && !minHeap.isEmpty(); k++) {
        StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
        for (BuyerAndGmvResult result : ranking) {
          output.append(result.toString() + "\n");
    • ProcessFunction involves function lifecycle, state & timers, thus won't be further discussed in this part

    Section C - Window Trigger

    Revisit Window Life Cycle

    • By default, a window is evaluated when timestamp/watermark passes the end
    • Trigger enables early-fire mechanism for (especially long) windows
    • Call trigger() method on WindowedStream, built-in & customization available

    Built-in Triggers

    • ContinuousProcessingTimeTrigger/ContinuousEventTimeTrigger

      • A trigger that continuously fires based on a given time interval (according to timestamps/watermarks)
      • siteIdWindowedStream.trigger(ContinuousEventTimeTrigger.of(Time.seconds(3)))
    • CountTrigger

      • A trigger that fires once the count of elements in a window pane reaches a given limit
      • siteIdWindowedStream.trigger(CountTrigger.of(100))
    • DeltaTrigger

      • A trigger that fires based on a DeltaFunction and a threshold
      • The DeltaFunction calculates an offset between the data point which triggered last and the currently arrived data point...
      • ...and will trigger if the offset is higher than the threshold, e.g.
      100.0,   // Order ID offset threshold of 100
      (oldPoint, newPoint) -> newPoint.getOrderId() - oldPoint.getOrderId(),

    Customize Trigger

    • TBD =。=
    • Please refer to the official documentation for details

    Section D - Window Joining

    • Join operation exists in batching as well as streaming
    • Windowing converts infinite data set to multiple blocks of finite data sets for joining
    • Only equi-joins are available

    Inner Join

    • With tumbling window
    • With sliding window
    • Using join() API with JoinFunction
      .where(record -> record.getMerchandiseId())    // key from left stream
      .equalTo(record -> record.getMerchandiseId())  // key from right stream
      .apply(new JoinFunction<AnalyticsAccessLogRecord, OrderDoneLogRecord, String>() {
        public String join(AnalyticsAccessLogRecord accessRecord, OrderDoneLogRecord orderRecord) throws Exception {
          return StringUtils.join(Arrays.asList(
          ), '\t');

    Interval Inner Join

    • The two streams may fall out of step regarding to event time
    • Interval inner join allows relative time association
    • i.e. right.timestamp ∈ [left.timestamp + lowerBound, left.timestamp + upperBound]
    • No need for explicit windowing, but using intervalJoin() API and ProcessJoinFunction
      .keyBy(record -> record.getMerchandiseId())
      .intervalJoin(orderRecordStream.keyBy(record -> record.getMerchandiseId()))
      .between(Time.seconds(-5), Time.seconds(15))    // lower & upper bounds
      .process(new ProcessJoinFunction<AnalyticsAccessLogRecord, OrderDoneLogRecord, String>() {
        public void processElement(AnalyticsAccessLogRecord accessRecord, OrderDoneLogRecord orderRecord, Context context, Collector<String> collector) throws Exception {
          ), '\t'));

    Left/Right Outer Join

    • No native implementations, using coGroup() as an alternative
    • Co-groups two data streams on a given key and a common window
    • Illustrating left outer join logic as below
      .where(record -> record.getMerchandiseId())    // key from left stream
      .equalTo(record -> record.getMerchandiseId())  // key from right stream
      .apply(new CoGroupFunction<AnalyticsAccessLogRecord, OrderDoneLogRecord, Tuple2<String, Long>>() {
        public void coGroup(Iterable<AnalyticsAccessLogRecord> accessRecords, Iterable<OrderDoneLogRecord> orderRecords, Collector<Tuple2<String, Long>> collector) throws Exception {
          for (AnalyticsAccessLogRecord accessRecord : accessRecords) {
            boolean isMatched = false;
            for (OrderDoneLogRecord orderRecord : orderRecords) {
              collector.collect(new Tuple2<>(accessRecord.getMerchandiseName(), orderRecord.getPrice()));
              isMatched = true;
            if (!isMatched) {
              collector.collect(new Tuple2<>(accessRecord.getMerchandiseName(), null));
    • Naive nested-loop join --- Iterating through both streams & emitting equi-records


    • To be followed: State & fault tolerance
      • Keyed state & operator state
      • Usage of managed states
      • Checkpointing & state backends
      • Checkpointing internals: Chandy-Lamport algorithm, ABS (Asynchronous Barrier Snapshotting) mechanism



