The towering pitched-roof brick houses with narrow windows, packed tightly along a narrow lane with a bakery and barber’s shop (indicated by a striped post and golden bowls for bloodletting) show Vrel as a pioneer of the new genre of the townscape, which emerged around 1650. His pictures appear peculiar, his figures quirky, and his street scenes stage-like. For a long time, his works were confused with those of Johannes Vermeer. His paintings are represented among the world’s most famous museum collections, and they are coveted rarities among collectors. But to date the painter Jacobus Vrel appears to be a phantom.
高耸的斜屋顶砖房和狭窄的窗户紧紧地挤满了狭窄的小巷,沿着小巷有面包店和理发店(用条纹柱子和放血的金碗暗示)表明弗瑞尔是在1650年左右逐渐成为新兴城市景观类型作品的先驱。他的画看起来很奇特,人物古怪,街景仿佛是舞台布景。很长一段时间,人们把他的作品与约翰内斯-维米尔(Johannes Vermeer)的作品相混淆。他的画作是世界上最著名的博物馆藏品之一,也是收藏家梦寐以求的稀世珍品。但到目前为止,画家雅各布斯-弗瑞尔(Jacobus Vrel)像一个幽灵般神秘。
This painting is of particular importance within his small oeuvre of mainly cityscapes and interiors. It is one of Vrel’s earliest works and yet also his most complex architectural composition. This seemingly typical example of Dutch Baroque painting differs from all other architectural representations of the time and thus occupies a prominent position within the collection. Typical of Jacobus Vrel's street scenes are the unusually narrow, steeply rising and closely spaced brick houses with red-brownish brickwork. These buildings have three to five floors and peaked gable roofs covered with Dutch tiles. The façades are articulated by several different architectural elements. The most striking are the narrow, often whitewashed windows.
Do you see the characters on the street? The lady on the left is talking to another woman carrying a shopping basket on her arm in front of the bakery. The three women are easily recognizable by their white bonnets and shawls, while the men are wearing a hat and dark clothes. The man on the right leans on a long stick as he talks. In the foreground the figures are larger, towards the back they become smaller and smaller—in this way the painter creates a depth in the room.
We present today's masterpiecethanks to Alte Pinakothek. :)
